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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. I use it when I did the Warrior. Nice wood, but it's not Boxwood or Pear.
  2. Safety Glasses is a big item that shouldn't be overlooked, but it seems most of us do. I been lucky over the years but no one is ever going to be lucky all the time, without your eyes you can't build.
  3. She is looking beautiful, nice work with the spikes. Keep the pictures and updates coming.
  4. Beautiful work. Keep the updates and pictures come, and Thank you for sharing this with us. Your doing a wonderful job.
  5. I agree with doing it manually. Machine are nice but they also can be your worst enemy, don't ask how I know just take my word LOL. Excellent work. Keep the updates coming we are all watching this, heck I been watching since you first started back when we were MSW 1.
  6. Have a nice safe time, and we will all be waiting for when you get back.
  7. Excellent. There isn't anything more that I can say that hasn't already been said. Beautiful build. Thank for sharing with us.
  8. Beautiful work, glad to see the updates. Keep the pictures and updates coming. And Thank you for sharing this.
  9. Excellent job, clean detail for the eyes. Keep the pictures and updates coming, and Thank you for sharing this build.
  10. Thank you. I am sure this will be of great use for everyone here.
  11. I second what Omega1234 just said. Keep the updates and pictures coming.
  12. Excellent detail work, very nice. Keep the pictures coming.
  13. I enjoy it. Also like the Turtle sub, that was cool also.
  14. Glad to see that your doing a log Sal. This is Joe from the club. There are a lot of logs on this build so I am sure you will get all the help you need plus everyone from the club will help out if you have any questions.
  15. Thank you for the tutorial David. I have this kit for some time now, never use it yet, got it on sale with free shipping when I order some other stuff from them. Now with this tutorial I have a shot at maybe making ti work when I am ready.
  16. Dust or whatever, she is beautiful. Glad that your back working on her. Keep the updates and pictures coming.
  17. Your doing a heck of a beautiful job with this build, love the detail. Keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing this build.
  18. Excellent detail work, this is going to be a very nice build when done. Something to be proud of. Keep the pictures coming.
  19. Beautiful as always. Thank you for sharing this wonderful build with us.
  20. Like Piet said, when you blow it up you can see the detail.
  21. Excellent work Russ, nice and clean and sharp for the eyes, I like this very much. Always waiting for the updates from you.
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