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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Bob, Beautiful work, nice detail. Sure you are proud of it. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Port is on the left looking towards the bow, and starboard is on the right looking towards the bow. A simple trick is "port is spelled with 4 letters and left is spelled with 4 letters" that trick always help me when I work at the shipyard. Now looking towards the aft it is the other way around.
  3. Now that is what I call smart thinking. There is always time to sit back and relax and have a few. Good for you Mark.
  4. Nice work Mark. Glad to see you moving forward. Very happy to hear you having fun again. Keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing. May the fun last forever.
  5. Glad your back. Also glad you figure out the problem of getting them to work the way you want. Sometime you have to sit back for awhile and think about the problem instead of trying this and trying that. When things start getting to you it's time to take abreak and think about it for awhile.
  6. Nice setup for the shop. Excellent work, nice and sharp. Not hard on the eyes. Keep the pictures coming, and Thank you for sharing with us.
  7. Thank you B.E. Now to hear what others say.
  8. Good question. Now to see what the answers are.
  9. I agree with the others, what problem. Please tell us what you are talking about. I think most of us are going nuts to try and find what your talking about. Keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing.
  10. Now that is Excellent work. Wish you had started a log and we would have been able to following along here on MSW. But Thank you for sharing this with us. If you have more pictures Please post the for us.
  11. Let us know if you do decide to get it, would like to know what you think about it.
  12. Thank you very much for the video. Hope to see more updates soon. Best of luck for you and the family.
  13. Remco, Now that is Beautiful, only you would do something like that. You need to get out more, you are having way to much fun with this LOL.
  14. Kevin, Which ever way you decide to go it is still up to you. I do have to agree with what Mark said, she was built for battle and would of had her guns with her at all time. But remember you are the BOSS.
  15. Your work is outstanding by all means. I wish to Thank you for sharing your excellent work with us. If you have more pictures of your work could you please post them for all to see.
  16. All I can say is Beautiful. Will be waiting for more pictures. Thank you for sharing this with us. Your work is outstanding.
  17. Thank you. Excellent work. Thanks for sharing with us.
  18. Beautiful work Kevin. Glad that your back in the shop again. Will be waiting for more pictures and updates. Excellent work.
  19. Nice work on the guns. Keep the pictures coming. Thank you for sharing this.
  20. Nice. You have way to much time on your hands. LOL You are the man.
  21. Danny, Beautiful work, which is what we all expect from you. Your have done an excellent job. Keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing this.
  22. The net idea is excellent, never though of that. You can stretch it to the size you want and then seal it to stay. Excellent idea. Your work if top notch. keep the pictures coming and Thank you for sharing this with us.
  23. Nice clean work. Your doing an excellent job. Hmm i agree the handles could be turn a little more, but your the Boss it's your call. Keep the pictures coming.
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