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Everything posted by russ

  1. Andy: The deck looks very good. I like the details especially the kevels and cleats along the bulwarks. Just be sure they are properly fastened. You do not want these coming loose during rigging and belaying. Russ
  2. Very nicely done. Congratulations on a fine completed model. Russ
  3. Very interesting construction and method. I had not seen this sort of arrangement before. Good work and execution. Russ
  4. Pat: Thanks. I am getting it done. A little here and a little there. Russ
  5. Gregory: Excellent photo. I thought I had seen these somewhere before. They were also used on British ships of the period. Russ
  6. Keith: Your model is coming along beautifully. Very nice work. The paint work is especially good. Russ
  7. If you talking about the original ship, or even in the War of 1812, the answer is that they probably had some iron stanchions around those hatches with rope connecting them, but probably not the polished brass things you see more recently. Russ
  8. Planking progress on the starboard side. This is still rough, with no sanding yet on the latest planked sections. Russ
  9. Daniel: This is a very nice model so far. You are doing great work. Regarding the upper edge of the copper, the wooden batten was the method used at that time. She was not coppered until she was bought and refitted by the Royal Navy. Russ
  10. I think the model's gaff, with all its gear, might surprise you. Keep in mind that the halyards are reduced in scale along with the gaff. It should not be that difficult to get them taut while the gaff is down. Russ
  11. The gaff would be lowered via throat and peak halyards. The topping lift would keep the outboard end of the boom in place. The gaff would be directly above the boom. Russ
  12. I used their products several years ago on my Biloxi schooner model. The brass bolts and nuts worked out very well for me. In the coming months I will be placing another order for an upcoming project. Russ
  13. Bob: The cabin is wonderful. That is a great fit in a very complex space. I like how light the trim work is. Good attention to scale. Russ
  14. Pat: Thanks. These luggers were really nice looking boats. The plumb stem made the lines forward that much more pleasing because it created a bit of hollow down near the forefoot. This is a later boat that was a bit longer and deeper for its breadth than some of the smaller, earlier boats from the 1930s. Russ
  15. I could not help myself. The planking near the port bow is complete and there are only a few planks left to complete the entire port side. I always like how the run of the planking appears in the forward areas. Just had to share. Russ
  16. Sam: Nice work on the ratlines and the mouse. It looks plenty good enough to my eye. I think it will do well. Russ
  17. Carl: Many thanks for your kind words. The hull will be painted. This is a commission and the model is being made to look like the real boat as much as possible. Russ
  18. Bill: I am in the middle of planking right now. You are right to go slow. She looks really good so far. Russ
  19. John: Thanks for looking in. I am taking pics mostly to get an idea of how the planking lines are shaping up and to check for any other issues. There are a few things that bug me, but that is pretty normal. Anyway, the camera can sometimes pick something up that my eyes do not. Before I forget (again), thanks to everyone for the likes. Russ
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