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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. Thanks Mark and Matti Yes I do enjoy my new position although some nights when things don't go to plan and I pull my hair out,I question why I applied for the position . I feel happier in myself that I have a clear 'vision' for this model and although I will be using the kit castings,I feel the small changes and the choice of timbers should produce something unique.I am keeping it under wraps for now things will be revealed as I progress . I even toyed with fitting the kit 'dummy' cannons but as I have a full lower deck,reasoned this was a step too far back.Complete cannon assemblies have now been ordered.They won't be rigged as I am now fully planking the decks,but do look better when viewed through the gunports. My game plan is to sort the transom framing out and dowelling for these cannon carriages,then bond in the deck beams.I should then be able to progress with the hull planking Kind Regards Nigel
  2. Gosh,over 5 months since I posted on here!! Over the past couple of months no progress has been made but I have had the opportunity to do a great deal of thinking.My new position at work is taking all my time leaving me realistically Sunday to do what I want.Money wise,I certainly can't grumble but it does mean my modelling time has drastically been reduced. I basically need to take stock and reassess many of the projects I have on the go.I am going to continue with Mordaunt but need to take a change of direction.To carry on as is would result in many years work at the rate I am going coupled with the fact there are a few small details I am unhappy with.I believe that to move the model back in the direction of the stock kit will bring back the enjoyment into the build.I had previously set my bar so high,I worry carrying on will result in frustration at not being able to make anything in the way of progress. There will be some minor detail changes to the stock kit,mainly around the windows and a change in timber for the topside planking,but in the majority I am going to use as many kit parts as possible.It does build into a nice model out of the box and I found one on the net that won a gold medal in the Czechoslovakian championships with minimal changes. Currently I am reviewing the drawings and Pete's interpretive files to establish how the changes I have made already impact the fit of the kit stern etc.So far everything looks like it will fit as intended,I have to console myself that all the additional work has resulted in a superior foundation for the main deck and hull planking.At least I will only have one layer of hull planking to fit after completion of hull fairing. Royal William may be shelved until retirement or if my circumstances change in the distant future,you never know I may even buy the kit and graft the prow I made into that build,but that is something for another day I am not too sure when the next update will be,but will no doubt be when I have turned the build around a little in the direction I want to head Kind Regards Nigel
  3. She's coming on well Nils Just a suggetion,would it be easier to plank,then cut slots to insert the bilge keels into?This is common practice with working models,it allows you to properly fair the hull,then epoxy can be used inside the hull to secure the keels.Ideally they should protrude though the hull a few millimetres. Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Congratulations on the completion of a fabulous model Alex!!.I will enjoy following your progress on Le Dauphin Royal. Kind Regards Nigel
  5. Interesting stuff Nils.I can see why due to the slenderness of the hull why the designers wanted to keep the drivetrain as inboard as possible.Any further apart and the engines would have to move further forward resulting in very long propshafts. Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Excellent work Nils This is the first time I have seen a keel cutout to accommodate the props.I wonder the designers reasoning behind this?It certainly adds an interesting feature to your model though Kind Regards Nigel
  7. If your Royal Louis is planked with walnut on the bottom,I wouldn't recommend it Ulises.It tends to tear walnut rather than cutting it as the wood is too soft.I tried it once and it didn't work too well. Kind Regards Nigel
  8. Wish you all the best with this build Bob,you certainly don't waste any time in getting started Kind Regards Nigel
  9. Wonderful,super clean work Marsalv Doris has also come up trumps with a stunning figurehead Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Congratulations on the completion of a truly outstanding model Bob!!!!!!!!!! Kind Regards Nigel
  11. Quite simply awe inspiring work Johann !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Excellent work Michael!!!!!.It is just a case of getting your head around utilizing the dials and relating them to the required measurements.You will find the processes easier and cleaner with the dedicated proxxon fishtail milling bits though.They are designed to cut downwards as well as sideways.They also only have two flutes which reduces the chance of burning the wood and generally run cooler for longer.They do last a very long time so don't workout too expensive in the long run.Another advantage is that they fit in the collets instead of using the chuck.This virtually eliminates any run out inaccuracies enabling very high precision work.Only disadvantage is they only come in three sizes so multiple passes may be required if your slot isn't the same size as one of the cutters. Kind Regards Nigel
  13. Just a heads up,Model-dockyard in the UK have this kit in stock now.A few pence shy of £370 before someone asks Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Your build is coming on well Michael Sorry to hear of your sheave woes.When I cut them on the miller.I do not drill holes first.If you cut slots in depth stages of 0.5 to 1mm,working backwards and forwards increasing the depth of cut each time,it should work without problems.Another tip if you have three slots equal about centre,is to cut the central one first,then use the table dials to measure the offset of the other two.I invariably mill halfway from each side,otherwise the shank of the bit may burn the wood.It helps to have a datum,e.g. the top of the workpiece is flush with the side of the miller vice. Hope this may help in some way. Kind Regards Nigel
  15. Excellent work Michael I am glad you are enjoying using the MF70,very handy tool.Trying my best to catch up with everyones logs,but work has been extremely busy the last week or so and I seem to have been there more than I have been at home Kind Regards Nigel
  16. Congratulations on the completion of a truly inspirational example of model ship building Karl Kind Regards Nigel
  17. Great work Dimitris!She is really starting to come to life Kind Regards Nigel
  18. Thank you Nils Unfortunately the buyer pulled out at the eleventh hour,so we went back to square one.Fingers crossed ,we have another buyer and the sale will go through without any hitches. So still in limbo at the minute my friend. Kind Regards Nigel
  19. Come on JP,not enough Euromodel logs on this forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kind Regards Nigel
  20. Thank you very much Dave.As you maybe aware,currently half my workshop is packed away and the shop is packed with household stuff as I am moving house.I would have actually been moving this week if our buyer hadn't pulled out,so in limbo at the minute.I have even taken on a small 'kitchen table' build that is completely different from my current projects(build log started today in the kit section).Spending my freetime watching TV is driving me to distraction . Kind Regards Nigel
  21. An interesting publication Matrim.I have a couple of books on the subject and a video(yes it was bought a while ago) of the Royal Oak,including footage of the wreck.Diving is prohibited on the Royal Oak as a designated war grave.Navy divers do lay a wreath every year on the anniversary of her sinking. Having visited the Orkneys,Scapa Flow is an eary place,the oil rising to the surface is still clearly visible(similar to Arizona) from her resting place. Much of the steel salvaged from the German fleet is prized by space technology.Apparently because it was smelted prior to atomic bomb technology,the low radioactive value is of much use in space technology. Kind Regards Nigel
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