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Everything posted by Cabbie

  1. On my Swift the mast holes were to big, so I cut some fine wedges to put around the mast, then the mast hole collars covered the hole, worked well to line the masts up. Chris
  2. PS.. One lesson learn't the hard way. Do not make your sails off the templates, mine were all too big. Wait till you know the spaces that will be available. Chris
  3. Hi js05 Definitely wishing you good luck. I am very close to finishing a swift 1805, which is my first boat. I started it well before I found this site, hence no log. It has been a tricky little build. Going from what i know now, i could not imagine starting out on this hobby and doing a much bigger, more complicated ship, as some do. If you have any questions, fire them at me, not that i can claim to be very knowledgeable in model ship building. Chris
  4. I'm going to start an Endeavour soon, it will be good having all these other logs and fine modelling minds to annoy with lots of questions! Thanks Chris
  5. HI Druxey How similar would the bow of that ship be to an Endeavour? I am doing an Endeavour next, and was hoping to be able to plank it like that model. Thanks Chris
  6. Hello Nick That is a great job you have done on the planking. Sand it up and put on some finish coats and should look brilliant. On my next ship (2nd) I want to do the planking like this, so I have book marked your blog so that i can fire the questions at you. I think you are being a bit fussy about the timber colours, Timber is timber, it quite often varies, some fades a bit quicker, and even after you put a finish on, keeps fading. Hold a bit of wood up and turn it around it often goes from light to dark and back again. That's why we like it so much and this hobby, its real, nature made it. Keep the posts coming. Thanks Chris
  7. thanks Steve Yes, probably not going to make much difference, but i just want to get the most up to date version. It annoyed me when the publishers didn't know where they were up to. Or more likely couldn't be bothered looking it up. This was their reply to an email query. Dear Chris Thanks for your message and your interest in Bloomsbury If you have placed an order and have any questions about the status of your order, please email auorders@bloomsbury.com or telephone +61 2 8820 4900. Alternatively, to view the RRP for each individual title please search on our website (http://www.bloomsbury.com/au). Kind regards, Joanna Customer Service Bloomsbury Publishing Though I must say a young lady on the phone tried to find out, but didn't seem to be able to find the info in their data base. Hi Robin, Could be with the images, but I'm the wrong person to ask that, beyond my knowledge.
  8. I have been doing a lot of hunting myself and not getting any where, even the publishers didn't know what was what, and if a new edition was coming out. Can anyone who has the book tell me what edition it is. It seems to be up to a 3rd revision. Just found this one with a published date of 2010 http://www.biblio.com/book/captain-cooks-endeavour-revised-edition-anatomy/d/512871134 Thanks Chris
  9. Good Morning all I just had an email saying that this is available now from fishpond. http://www.fishpond.com.au/Books/Captain-Cooks-Endeavour-Karl-Heinz-Marquardt/9780851778969 Booktopia have it available in October http://www.booktopia.com.au/anatomy-of-the-ship-karl-heinz-marquardt/prod9781844862306.html Fishpond have it as the 3rd revised edition, but published in 2002 Does anyone know what is the latest edition? Thanks Chris
  10. Aahhh So that was you that beat me by a short nose to get that from gumtree. I have seen some of those down loadable pdf sites. they look a bit suss to me, so have steered clear of them. It would be interesting to know if the new copy, is a revised edition as claimed on the cover Hooroo Chris
  11. Hear Hear Philip That's what i think. Sounds like a good motto Chris
  12. And I forgot to say this is supposed to be available soon. http://www.booktopia.com.au/anatomy-of-the-ship-karl-heinz-marquardt/prod9781844862306.html I don't know if it is a reprint or a new edition, but i will be buying when available. Chris
  13. HI hof00 I am new myself, and can't really answer you questions. I too have an endeavour to start soon, and will be asking the same questions. Have a look in the tutorials in the link, there might be something to help. http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-modeling-articles-and-downloads.php Cheers Chris
  14. Hi Mal good to see you back. I was thinking about where you had wandered off to. Those dreaded household chores always seem to be around. I can't really help with the block question, don't know enough myself. Though It does seem there are big spacings between the bulkheads, more blocks might help to lay the planks. Some of the builders block the whole thing in solid, a lot of work, but i think they say the whole ship is much more stable when done. Cheers Chris
  15. Thanks JCFrankie Great photos, I am going to put (attempt) attaching bolt ropes and was wondering about just using glue. I had seen that grommets were used, but i will try to put eyes & cringles in the bolt rope as i put it on. It was a matter of whether to use lacing or some sort of metal ring. I think this is what you are talking about jbshan. A bit tricky to make I but could just make a ring like that and tie it. Errrrr maybe, will think about it. Thanks again Chris
  16. Thanks Brian Perhaps the question should have been. How was it done on a full size boat of that period?
  17. Good evening all How do i attach the sails on my swift, to the masts and and jib stay. The kit shows using unjoined rings put through the bolt rope, and placed around the mast and stay. Looks a bit yuk to me. Thanks Chris
  18. Thanks for the plans and explanations Bob I will study them until it makes sense to me. Were you trying to glue the .5mm veneers together? If so you are a brave man. Thanks Chris
  19. What was the name of the hurricane?!!!!!!
  20. Hi Pirate Bob. I used one of them on my Swift, and after sanding, the marks showed through, but I probably over crimped, and then had sand a fair bit to flatten out the planks. I was double planking and it really didn't matter If you can keep the crimping to a minimum it might work all right. Chris PS I have a Syren as well that I hope to start in a few months time.
  21. Hi Mal, just to clear things up it was the Endeavour that i bought on ebay and it just has a photographic instruction manual. The Swift had a smaller photographic manual which was outright wrong, when it came to the first planking. It didn't show the planks twisted to lie flat on the false keel, and i did it how they showed it. After i finished the first planking and spending a lot of time looking around MSW, I put a filler fillet in which allowed me to twist the second planks to lie on the keel. The instruction photos, will show you mostly what it should look like according to them, but you need to look around MSW to find out how to do it. Or do as you have done and start a blog, definitely the smarter way. And if you want a technically correct boat you probably need to do a lot of research. After saying all that i am quite happy with my Swift, it will look OK. And I have learnt a lot along the way. The Swift kit is 25 years old and the instructions might be a lot different by now. I am doing the Model Shipways Syren Brig, designed by Chuck Passaro next, and the instruction manual with it, will be like having a 1 on 1 lesson with a master in comparison.
  22. Good afternoon Mal Good to meet you. Considering that this forum goes all over the world, I would say that we are close enough to be neighbors. The Swift boat is an A.L and so is the Endeavour. I bought it cheap on ebay. It looks like it has ply for the first planking, but that doesn't matter I am planning on cutting my own timbers for it. I bought a Model Shipways Syren a little while ago and i am going to do it next. The Endeavour has too much rigging and sails to be my next build. I am an out right novice at anything outside of wood work. The little bit of metal working and soldering I have done has been hard work, but still holding together, and I haven't started the blackening yet. I bought a Dremel torch for soldering and some flux solder, in a syringe, and giving that a go. The Brass black and cleaner only arrived in the mail yesterday. I would be interested to come and see the RC boats, but that means some time off work. One day i will sort something out. Have you built your RC boats? In the mean time keep modelling Thanks Chris
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