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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Good looking guns Sjors. Of course, there's nothing more fun than rigging them. Bob
  2. I'll take the other side Kevin. I've always preferred the stability provided by gluing the masts in place. I guess that this is one of those things that each of us decides for themselves. Bob
  3. Thanks so much Thomas. I'm looking forward to admiring your progress on Syren in the New year. Bob
  4. The stern looks fantastic Sjors. Your work just gets better and better. Merry Christmas and happy New Year. Bob
  5. Thanks Hamilton. The only pictures I have were taken after the damage. They appear at p.9 of my Essex log. The damage was more extensive than the photos show and probably won't ever be repaired because I'm never in Chicago long enough, or with my tools, to get it done. Bob
  6. Terry, I ordered every size from .008" to .054" in order to be able to at least get close to the scale sizes that I calculated from Lees' proportional tables. I expect to use them all. Bob
  7. Hamilton, I really can't even look at Flying Fish without a tear in my eye. I had built it some years back and shipped it to my daughter about a year ago. It was smashed in transit. It's a really nice kit and I have no doubt that you will more than do it justice. I look forward to seeing it. Bob
  8. Really nicely done Grant. I have to remind myself to look for your log in this category. At my age, that can be a problem. Bob
  9. Thanks so much Augie. While i'll certainly enjoy the family time, I just may have to sneak in some modeling time. Bob
  10. The burton pendants, shrouds stay and preventer stay are now done on the lower main mast. The rope sizes were, of course, larger than for the mizzen, but the procedures followed were the same. This phase of the work will be completed next with the same lines on the lower foremast. This may be delayed a bit since my kids and grandkids are all arriving for an extended holiday visit. Let me take this opportunity to wish all who visit this log a very happy holiday season and a healthy New Year. Bob
  11. I have no information on the "new" Essex kit. I do know that Sam Cassano has been quite ill and may not have been involved in whatever has now been produced. I notice that his name does not appear in connection with the kit in Expo's new catalogue. Bob
  12. Thanks so much Terry. While aging isn't always fun, it sure beats the alternative. BTW, I see that Expo is now apparently selling some Essex kit (its in their new catalogue). You might check to see if there are any updates or improvements that you can get. Bob
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