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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Nice job on the belaying pins. Toothpicks have been used in modeling for years. They should hold up for your rigging just fine. David B
  2. Here you go Patrick. Miniaturas /Miniatures.Now and tben they show shi models. It gives me insperation. David B
  3. I was wondering if they could be an early form of bilge keel? David B
  4. When you were working on your lathe I thought I saw your rod in a tube from the tail stock. If so did you some wax or lubricant? David B
  5. I found this article about 1918 Thorneycraft Seaplane Lighter interesting. A far cry from what we have now. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world-war-1/468761/Last-remaining-World-War-1-aircraft-carrier-lovingly-restored David B
  6. I remember being on her when I attended the NRG conference in 2011 the conference was a blast and I was able to take a lot of photos of the Liberty ship. Here are a few I think you and everyone will like. I hope you can use them, David B
  7. Tim I took a look at Blue Jacket's website sight and the only Liberty Ship the have is the Jeremiah O'Brian. And if my memory is sill good I have only seen this ship whenever I checked the sight. David B
  8. Your painting really makes everything stand out, Showing off your craftsman ship. I wish I could get up close with a real good camera with a macro lens. I would probably fill up the memory chip before I was done. Gorgeous !!! David B
  9. Interesting article about something new. But I think the author is a little biased. I do agree that using USCS personal would be the smart thing to do. http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Security-Industry/2014/09/05/Navy-receives-first-MK-VI-patrol-boat/4831409938083/ David B
  10. Looking good Elijah. You could also remove the bulwarks this will make it easier to carve the deck Then rebuild the bulkhead with stantions notched in the hull. At the next meeting talk to Bob Filipowski who has done it many times. David B
  11. Tim I am grateful for the links and wish you the best on your endeavors. Hopefully you will find the info. There are few models of these ships which is a shame because of there history. David B
  12. Patrick, If you are on Facebook there is an excellent org the does miniatures. A few ships but nice and very real looking. David B
  13. I have learned quite a bit from your build. I would to see your model at Manitowoc. I think that it well. Modelers Choice or Best of Show. Well done. David B
  14. Your railing is perfect. Not clunky but stream lined. As for your hooks well done. David B
  15. Nice looking anchors. Question I have done silver soldering but have never heard of copper-phosphorus solder. David B
  16. Nils, I am wondering if you own a resistance soldering machine. That would make doing some those assemblies much easier. Do you plan on painting that walkway and how do you prep it? David B
  17. Your galleries look great Mark. I can just imagine the programming and adjustments you had to do to get this end result. David B
  18. I was told by my oncologist that according to my last bone biopsy my Myeloma Markers are starting to act up. He decided that I have developed an immunity to my meds so it is back to regular chemo. and a different medication. My hands have become more stable so I can work on my Maine again. I have been trying to get more active developing the muscle tone that I lost and walking up and down the stairs. My sister said that She was happy with my progress considering i was in a wheelchair and using a walker. I envy you the work you have done on your yacht. I have always admired miniaturists. David B
  19. This would be an event that would interest many people. i have read about the Battle of Jutland. Which shaped American naval policy for many years https://www.usnwc.edu/About/News/May-2016/Naval-War-College-reenacts-Jutland-wargame.aspx?platform=hootsuite David B
  20. Do you happen to have carpenter ants doing your furniture for you? David B
  21. An interesting find. I would love to see the Pastors face when He found out what he had. http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2016/05/13/bell-from-navy-ship-bombed-at-pearl-harbor-found-in-baltimore-co/ David B
  22. I emailed that photo to my brother and he asked where was it. I told him it was a model and the look on his face was priceless. David B
  23. The Benjamin W. Latham makes into a pretty model. And leaves much to the imagination on the amount of detail you wish to do. I found that Chappelle's American Fishing Schooners invaluable in building her. Have fun. David B
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