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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. I remember several years ago Don Pruel from Annapoli gave a demo on simulting plating using tape and a airbrush. At the scale it was marvelous. David B
  2. Waterway worries Panama Canal expansion brings about new challenges for pilots, tug operators - See more at: http://digitaledition.chicagotribune.com/tribune/article_popover.aspx?guid=2fb0c10a-05e0-48e0-9597-8cb124a65d8f#sthash.tZLKjblD.dpuf By Juan Zamorano and Peter Orsi Associated Press ON LAKE MIRAFLORES, Panama — Waiting to guide a cargo carrier toward the Panama Canal's southern locks, Benjamin Russo gazed from his tugboat at another vessel headed north toward the Caribbean Sea. At 650 feet long and loaded with automobiles, it was a massive ship. Yet, it pales in comparison to the so-called New Panamax behemoths, up to 1,200 feet in length, which within days will begin transiting the waterway. I remember watching a special about Pilots being helicoptered to large freighters near the mouth of the Columbia River and this sounds ust as dangerous. David B
  3. I am glad that you are proceeding well Elijah. One of the things that Bob talks about in his talks about spiling and planking is use the wood that will work the best. This makes the job easier. Thankfully you have a hull that is not too extreme like an apple bow or exteme drag. David B
  4. We have all been there at least once or twice over the years. David B
  5. I am sorry to see this happen Pat. Thankfully you were able to repair the damge and at the same time not go totally mad with grief. I have felt that way many times over the years. David B
  6. Amitious is not the phrase I am thinking of at the moment. Nils. In the future I would like to try my hand at a model of the USS United States at my normal scale. And I am saving everything you are doing. I wil shamlessly use your methods to build it. Your log should be a book on how to build a 20c ship. I merely just save it and drool every now and then. David B
  7. I am always amazed at people who can tell if the hull of a model is correct. Several years ago at Manitowc a guy brought in a great model of the Prinz Nuegen. Another modeler was impressed but informed me that the lines were wrong. I could not see what was wrong. David B
  8. Ian, I have to agree with the upper statement. You could use your CD/Pan for your portfolio. David B
  9. I have a great a deal of faith in your machining skills Gerhard, from what I have seen so far. Go for it. David B
  10. Nice job of plankng. A natural finnish will really show it off. But I am partial to painting myself. As I did on my model. The model is a littlee rough at the moment because of neglect and my model being tossed into a box, but you can see the paint scheme I use for the the hull. I will be very happy when I can get back to it and clean it up and repair the rough handling it has. I have seen these models colored in wood and painted. But the choice will be up to and what you are comfortable with David B
  11. I would have to go with the transistion from sail to steam along with working craft such as trawlers and freighters. Unfortunately I have seen most people loking at sails or WW2 vessels such as PT Boats, Destroyers etc. To keep the costs down decent and accurate plans should be the main component. The basic materials wil work just fine. David B
  12. I am not famiar with the Mamoli kit but have seen the version from Blue Jacket by the modeler Al Ross. I was going to say plank the stern like most vessels of the time but I think these two photos will help you. I hope they are not removed. David B
  13. Another thing you can do if you have a lathe is to make and arbor ti fit the saw if theblades hole is to big. I did this for my Preac. Keeping this in mind take a look at Thurston for the proper blade. http://thurstonmfg.com/plain-metal-slitting-saws.html David B
  14. From the article She will be carried on the back of a heavy lift ship. That would be interesting to see. David B
  15. I am in love. That beauty would be perfect for the Cedar River and Lake Michigan.with me and a rod. for something to catch. Gorgeous. David B
  16. Interesting News article about the saving of an ancient ship. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/30/nyregion/seaworthy-and-ready-for-an-early-unveiling.html David B
  17. Your attention to detail is awsome Ed. I have sen many models over the years and few of them has the little things. This is one of the first times i have seen a release for the anchor. David B
  18. I have just finished your log Mark and think you have done a wonderful job. I have used both acetate and idroscope glass covers and a few other things as well. On the window tat you are working on would it be conceivable to thin the back to get the proper fit? From a neighbor north east of you by about 2 hours. David B
  19. Kevin at the scale you are working in using tape for the strakes would be fine but do not scribe the vertical ones. At this scale it would be overkill and not look good. David B
  20. This question has come up in the Chgo clubs many imes over the years and I usually hear both th pros and the cons. Pros. More versatility, a smaller footprint, and cost are the pros. Moovement of the XY carraige is lightly limited. And setting up the column is supposed to be difficult to make sure everything is level d this can be done with a dial indicater. and the size of the part that can be milled. It all depends on what you are going to do with it. David B
  21. I agree with Richard Toni. Both of your models were a dream to look at. Unfortunately my back went out before I could get my shots. I envy the members of the club who have the joy of seeing it up close. David B
  22. This the first I have heard of a boat with 3 keels. Interesting. David
  23. Elijah, What I have done in the past is use 1/16X1/16 strips of wood as battens to line my hulls. They are sturdy and you can adjust them until you are happy with the result. I would then take my measurements near the middle of the hull and decide on how mwny planks per baten. Using a compass I would make a mark on some manila folder and shpe it to fit. Then the next plank. I would start out with 5per batten then three etc. Ideally the last plank would be a perfect fit. David B
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