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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Captain Steve has a good idea. Try the clear acitate that you find in packages.
  2. Remco, The fixture I made for my model was a rectangular piece of wood with a hole drilled partway through. Then I added a strip of brass with three holes drilled into it. I tried to locate it but I guess my sister missed it. I learned this method at a club meeting a long time ago. David B
  3. You are doing a wonderful job. Patience is what is needed to get the job done. David B
  4. Nice job on the coat. I have rarely seen it on models. I asked one guy when I saw it what he used and it was sheet linen and gesso. Then a "dirty" wash. I did not have my camera so I could not get a photo. Well done. David B
  5. Fantastic workmanship. It looks like you polished each piece. David B
  6. Your method for making chain plates is pretty good. I like the end result. They make my attempts look laughable. David B
  7. Fantastic work Igor. I devoured your log and saved it for future reference. David B
  8. This is the first I have heard of this type of solder. What is it"s melting point and where did you find it? David B
  9. Toni, I have found over the years that close up photos tend to accent things you normally do not notice or see. As far as I am concerned your work is flawless. David B
  10. You have a long way to go before you have enough tools. Show her a photo of my shop before I moved. Since I am a bachelor it could have been neater. David B
  11. Here is a place I use to visit in Evanson IL I have bought supplies from them and have seen boxes of mica.http://davesrockshop.com/ David B
  12. Your method of making chainplates is beautiful. It is a keeper. David B
  13. Greg have you experimented with fly tying thread? David B
  14. Congrats on a beautiful model. I have enjoyed your log and learned many things from it. I think your model is a gold medal winner. David B
  15. Nice tip on using the flat laquer. David B
  16. Toni, what name or brand would I be searching for? David B
  17. Your bucket looks great Nenad, you deserve a shot. nicely done. David B
  18. Jim would be the guy to go to. However you can try here as well. http://thurstonmfg.com/jewelers-slotting-saws.html David B
  19. You are doing a good job Elijah. One of the things about a solid hull is that you can see how the shape is coming along. Remember just a little off at a time. And a lot of patience. David B
  20. I am in awe Greg. I thought I worked in a small scale , but you take the cake . David B
  21. I bought my frame from Sante Fe Jewelry Supply and have no complaints.. https://www.sfjssantafe.com/items.php?Gid=079&ItemSet=Saws&DepId=tools and the price was great. David B
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