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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Perhaps but the end result is always worth it.David Botton
  2. He was being careful not to damage the hull. He can always replace the linen. But not hte model. David B
  3. Hopefully you will find out tomorrow what is going on and fix the problem. David B
  4. The Byrnes saw is a dream come true. However you are correct. If you are tired do not touch or use it. David B
  5. They are as blind as a bat. Your model deserves a gold Chuck, bring it to Manitowoc next year if you can make the trip.
  6. They should be called the seats of ease. But I bet it got a little wet doing it. Well done. David B
  7. That is a bad accident that had happenend to all of us. David /b
  8. Same here Gaetan. Congtatulations you deserved it. David B
  9. Fantastic workmanship Krug. When you get done applying the final finish your Druid is going to look great. David B
  10. I go by memory. From strips and sheets that were never used to l stuff that needs milled down. I also have odd shaped boxes for small stuff. You never know when that 3X2X1/8 piece of wood will come in handy. David B
  11. Not bad but if you take of a few of the lower planks on start taping near the bow your runs will be better and more accurate. There a several books on planking. I found a good one by Donald Dressel titled Planking Techniques for Model Ship Builders. David B
  12. Your idea of a lifeline is great and as far as I am concerned a keeper. This site is great I am always learning something new. David B
  13. So far it seems you are on the right track. Have you thought about adding extra sails on your Contellation. David B
  14. Nothing wrong in stepping out to look at flowers or butterflys. Nice pics. Your model is looking good. Have you experimented with Minwax Driftwood? It has a kind of bleached or washed out look. And congrats on your surprise. You will be very happy with it. David B
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