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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Hi Gil, Best wishes to your wife for the upcoming surgery, and a speedy recovery. I hope she keeps the gofer busy!
  2. I see ratlines in your future! In your very NEAR future!!!
  3. Dave, You are quite right! I'm one of the privileged few to have met Danny's Vulture in person (oh, and Danny too come to think of it ). It is even better in the flesh, and the drool marks do come off!!! Lovely work on the brass Danny. The toned down finish of the blackening looks spot on.
  4. Thanks Matt - I've just downloaded that App and it's a beaut! Might try some of these effects with my own Victory photos.
  5. Thanks Danny, I figured that after having had a six year coffee break already before joining MSW, I couldn't afford to take another one! Vulture's looking superb by the way!
  6. I just love what you do with the photography!
  7. Looking very nice there Aldo. I'm looking forward to seeing the next stage.
  8. Mobbsie, Thanks for your contribution on the use of terminology "spars" and "yards". An interesting consideration.
  9. Marc (keel hauled), Very happy to share my spreadsheet. Please send me a PM with your email address and let me know what OS you are using. My spreadsheet was created on a Mac using Numbers, but I can convert to other forms for you.
  10. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist!!! Looks fabulous - and as you say, a little more subtle and in keeping with the rest of the build.
  11. Thanks Sjors, You raise a good question. I think that "yards" is a a subset of the more general term "spars", but I'm sure one of the experts here will give a more definitive answer.
  12. Hey Rob - congratulations!!! This saw is your new best friend! You won't be disappointed.
  13. And he's off! Congratulations on starting your scratch build Aldo. I'll follow your progress with great interest,
  14. David, Why not reconsider the scratch build idea. If you go with something like a swan class, you can buy the timber as a "package" from Hobbymill in the US. (Check out Danny Vadas's log). Or if you want to try something a little smaller to "get your feet wet" you could do an Echo cross section - again with a timber package from Hobbymill. Just a thought for you.....
  15. I somehow get the feeling of déjà vu looking at your log Augie! Oh yes - it was my log! . (Some might say déjà poo - the feeling you've seen this s@$# before :D ) Seriously though, nice work - looking forward to the bling.
  16. Outstanding Gary! The amount of detail is just mind-boggling!
  17. Great work Danny. I was reading through and thinking, "I wonder what Remco will do" ..... and then read your comment! I'm guessing "yes" but we'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, keep up the fantastic job. Inspirational is the word that comes to mind with every update of yours!
  18. Mighty fine looking bow sprit there Sjors. Just be careful when Anja says "Honey, just pass me the ...." Oops.....
  19. Beautifully done Remco, but if I'm not mistaken Greg has just issued you another "challenge". I look forward to your response!
  20. Thanks Mark and John - your encouragement is always appreciated. Thanks Kevin - you're not really that far behind me. As I read somewhere else (I think it was Andy [realworkingsailor] who said it), "string is in the air". You'll be in amongst the ratlines before you know it mate! As far as info from MSW 1.0 being lost, at least with your kit you have the excellent example of Gil Middleton's build to follow and I'm sure he'd be only too happy to flag any particular issues he's found for you.
  21. That's a very nice start Adam. Looking forward to following this one!
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