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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Nice to see some progress Adam. She's looking really nice.
  2. Hi Aldo, Nice to hear from you my friend and thanks for your good wishes. Along with the tonsillectomy was a UPPP, which I think is what is still giving me some grief. Despite the temptation I've stayed off the alcohol since the op - don't want to mix it with pain meds! However, the meds finish today, so that single malt is starting to look good....... Thanks Bill for your good wishes too.
  3. Sjors, As my Admiral often says to me, "that's a nice little fantasy land you live in, isn't it?" You're not fooling anyone my friend, least of all Anja I expect!
  4. Thanks for the good wishes Kevin. Hope to be back in the shipyard next weekend.
  5. Thanks Sjors, Couldn't let the opportunity go past! Now, back to the kitchen with you and get Anja some more coffee!!!
  6. Bill, I remember your log from MSW 1 and was inspired at the time to buy your e-book. A great reference, though I've not yet had the opportunity to try out some of your teachings. I'm so glad you have re-posted as much as you have of the original log. A true delight to read and an excellent tutorial in itself. Thank you!
  7. More fabulous work Gil. I love reading your updates - they keep me on my toes about what's coming up next for me.
  8. Thanks Ben and John for the kind wishes. Listening to the Doctor and the Admiral gets harder as the recovery continues! But I know that I still need to anyway.....
  9. Sjors, Are you talking about separating two parts of the mast, or removing it from the ship? If the former, then wood glue (PVA) can be de-bonded with isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). If you used CA glue, then Acetone (nail polish remover) is what you will need to de-bond. If the mast is glued into the ship, then that's a whole other problem..... I don't glue my masts in place; they are held in place by the rigging. Hope this helps. Now hurry away and get Anja's dinner - she's got important Moderator stuff to do!
  10. Sjors, And you thought that sleeping with a Moderator would get you extra privileges!!!!!!!!!! Best you get back in the kitchen then...........
  11. Thanks Robert, Andy and Bob for your kind wishes. They are much appreciated.
  12. Sweet Kevin - those head timbers came out really well.
  13. That's a nice start to an interesting project Jerry. Think I'll pull up a chair in the front row and follow this one along.
  14. Thanks B.E. for dropping by and your kind comments. Not much happening in the shipyard this week. The post-op recovery has been up and down, and I've just had to extend my sick leave for another week. No actual modelling during this time, but to save my sanity I have been dabbling with learning CAD, contributing to the Modelling Plans project over at MSB. It's been fun, but I still get tired very quickly, so can't do it for too long (or the Admiral comes to chase me away from the computer!) Have spent a lot of time just reading MSW on the iPad, and catching up with a few quite outstanding logs I'd not seen before. Great fun, but just makes me yearn all the more to get back to my own build. Maybe next weekend .................
  15. What a breathtakingly beautiful model Karl. This is absolutely outstanding work. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing craftsmanship and gorgeous details with the rest of us. A true privilege to see your work.
  16. That's an interesting change of direction Sarah - I'll be interested to see how this one comes together.
  17. Congratulations Jeff on your appointment as Moderator. I know you'll do an outstanding job in this role.
  18. Gosh this is a nice build Nico. I'm with John - can't wait to see her on the water!
  19. Congratulations Madame Moderator, I'm sure you will now be able to make an even greater contribution to this wonderful site than you have already. But I agree with the others - better start at home and whip that Sjors into shape first!
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