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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Nice to revisit some of those pictures Jim. I really enjoyed watching this through before - hopefully not too much longer before you can resume.
  2. Hi Sjors, I know there are many options for sequence of rigging, but having just completed ratlines, I would recommend doing them once the mast and shrouds are in place. If you leave them any longer, such as after the remainder of the Standing Rigging (or later), you will find that other bits will get in the way. Just my 2 cents worth.
  3. Hi Sherry, Just caught up with your build log - fabulous stuff! Looks like you've made a fairly impressive start to your new "dark side" career! I hope your brother and daughter and both recovering well, and I look forward to following along the rest of the journey with you.
  4. Another masterpiece Rusty. I always enjoy reading through your logs. Thanks for re-posting this one.
  5. Hi Robert, I missed out on your build on MSW 1.0, but very glad I've just stumbled across it here. Have just spent the last hour or so reading through from start to finish. I must say, what a magnificent job you are doing with this model. I just loved what you did with your scratch capstan and the inlay work, all your hook scarph joints, and the catheads. Your explanation of techniques used is invaluable too. Thank you so much for taking so much effort over your postings. I look forward to following along from here on.
  6. Hi Robbyn, Have just been catching up with your log. You're doing an excellent job too - she's looking fabulous! Looks like you're getting plenty of advice on the rigging side of things, so I'll sit back and enjoy following along. I'll try and keep Sjors in check - he probably just ran out of popcorn again I've also got Chuck's Longboat kit tucked away waiting for me as a " 'tweener" but I'm teasing myself - won't start it until my Vic is finished. At least, that's what I keep telling myself........
  7. Great progress there Sjors - she's really looking a treat. Looks you're like you're about to join the Rigging Crew!
  8. Nice to see you made it Tex. I'll join the others in the front row near Sjors and the popcorn. You'll find another "sticky" on posting pictures if you need guidance. Gotta keep Sjors happy you know - he needs his pictures! . I look forward to following your progress.
  9. Wow John, With the mast and bowsprit in place, you really get a sense of just what a large sail rig she carried! Looks fabulous.
  10. Congrats on the promotion CAPTAIN Augie! Good to see someone able to keep CAPT Sjors in check!
  11. Johann, I've just stumbled across your build log and very glad I did! What simply outstanding and beautiful work you have produced - just amazing!!! I shall enjoy following this one along from here on.
  12. Jason, You can buy Birchwood Casey Brass Black online in Australia from this site: http://westernfirearms.com.au/cleaning-gun-care-bluing-wood-metal-care-brass-black-p-1599.html Cost is about $13.50 plus a bit more for postage.
  13. Hi David, That's a very nice start you've made there. Great explanations of your process steps and some really useful photography tips. Thanks for sharing. I shall enjoy following your build.
  14. Oh yeah Danny, The thing I've missed most over the last week or so has been being able to enjoy a nice single malt. I truly look forward to that one of life's simple pleasures!
  15. Thanks Augie and Ben Improvement in the last 24 hours has been quite remarkable. Feeling almost human again now.
  16. Ben, Regardless of how much your bonus actually is, rest easy knowing that postage is not going to cost you an extra 50% as it does for those of us buying for the other side of the world! Though I have to say, that even with the postage costs, they are still well worth the money and you will be delighted with whatever you get. I can't wait to hear what you end up with!
  17. Thank you Mobbsie, Keith, Mark and Kevin for the well wishes. @Mobbsie - don't worry, plenty of ice-cream being devoured here! @ Keith - yes, the ops are related to severe sleep apnea. Three ops in the nose/sinuses at the same time. It's all about opening up the airways to get more oxygen while sleeping. I'm keen to avoid (or at least delay) the CPAP machine! Nose ops seem to have been relatively insignificant by comparison to the two throat ops, but I think I can safely say I've turned the corner in recovery now. Started reducing the pain med regime yesterday, so that's definitely a good sign. And thanks for the Chemistry lessons - I'm sure the pictures will keep Sjors happy for a while @ Mark - yep, I've been tempted to do bits in the shipyard, but have had exactly that thought going through my mind. "Building Under the Influence" is not recommended. I also need to keep right away from dust for a little while. Plus, the Admiral has taken "Carer's Leave" and is taking this role a little toooooo seriously!!! To save myself from going insane with boredom, I've recently upgraded my CAD software to TurboCad Mac Deluxe ver 7 and have been learning that in preparation for taking on some plan tracing as part of the plans project over at MSB. I've been pretty impressed with the software - it seems to be quite a significant step up from ver 6. In the meantime, thanks again for all the good wishes and I hope to be able to post a proper update in a week or so.
  18. Wow! Congratulations Ben - both on the bonus and on the Admiral. She either REALLY loves you, or sees this as a way to keep you out of her hair for longer ...... I'm leavin' you to work out which....... But either way, HAPPY DAYS ahead!
  19. Hi Rusty, Just caught up on this one of yours (you have so many!). Beautiful work as usual. I really like your method of cutting the nothes for the carlings and ledges - will keep that in mind for the next project.
  20. I reckon I would spend more time on the thinking, studying, planning than on the actual "doing". And you're right, that's all part of the fun - the intellectual stimulation and challenge, as well as the physical skills acquired and developed.
  21. I do enjoy a good "s@&$ disturber" every now and then but it's nice that there's also a build log here too Looking forward to the next update Augie.
  22. So then Kevin, I guess that means that the longer it takes you to finish, the lower the cost per hour, and therefore the greater the value for money. Yep, I just know the Admiral is gonna buy that!
  23. Great work Sjors, And now that you can tell Port from Starboard, it might be safe for you to put to sea
  24. Hi Mobbsie, I'm curious as to why you are using CA for your second planking. As you know, I (like many others) hate using CA at all. It's been a long time since I did my second planking, but I seem to recall using a rubber contact cement - paint it on the hull, paint it on a plank, then join. My recollection is that it is fairly forgiving to use and progress was extremely fast. Just a thought for you my friend...
  25. Hi Mobbsie, Thanks for the good wishes my friend. It's been a tough week in terms of pain management. The throat ops (UPPP and tonsillectomy) have been the worst and have required some really heavy duty drugs. Just as I got that under control, the side effects kicked in and I was back at the hospital again on Saturday and again yesterday to try and get the " inners" working again (I'm sure I don't need to elaborate, you get the picture! ). Got some new drugs yesterday and they seem to have worked a miracle overnight. I think I've turned the corner at last now and I'm looking forward to being back in the shipyard by the weekend.
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