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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Thanks Mobbsie and George - yes, it is today. Hopefully an update to the log this weekend!
  2. Glad to hear that Judy is improving Michael. Fantastic work on the lights/hinges, but I'm glad you made a mistake - that's actually very encouraging for the rest of we lesser mortals!
  3. Lovely work Greg -.raising the bar yet again!
  4. Magnificent work on the wheel Ian, and a great tutorial to boot. Please do publish your drawings here - I'm sure many would be grateful for them. I know I would be!
  5. Congratulations Mobbsie - a truly fine build and a very productive year!
  6. Lovely work Toni, and a nice little tutorial as well.
  7. Beautiful work as always Karl. Love your wonderfully simple method/jig for ensuring a straight and accurate cut.
  8. Barry - congratulations. Prepare to be delighted!
  9. John, I suggest you contact Jim Byrnes directly with your questions, either through his website or PM from here as he is a member here. Then again, he may see your post and respond directly anyway. Good luck with re-starting your modelling career - you have some mighty fine tools to help you get going!
  10. Congratulations Clare, looks to be a real beauty.
  11. Lovely to see you back in your new shipyard Robbyn. And don't worry, it's like riding a bike - you'll pick it up again in no time.
  12. That's good advice from Jim, and is exactly what I did. I can say though, that regardless of the shipping/import costs, these machines are worth every cent paid. "Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten!"
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