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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Maybe this is interesting for you. Found it on a pdf (the construction sequence of the princess channel wreck)
  2. Scratch building is fun. But take your time and think before you start to build something. I sometimes forget that last one... And then there is only one solution for me, build again
  3. Thank you, I read somewhere. Spanish prisoners found the living conditions below deck dark, cramped and unhealthy. They were right
  4. Diluted Tamiya dark sea grey XF-54 for the deck (1/3 Paint 2/3 isopropyl alcohol ) After drying, the deck is matte. Polish then with scoth brite (green color). The more you polish the more gloss on the deck. Sides of the planks are painted with Tamiya German Grey XF-63 Black as caulcing gives too strong a contrast in combination with the gray of the deck. Then it looks like the wood is weathered, and the caulcing is not.
  5. Welcome to MSW and good luck with the Cutty Sark
  6. I have finished planking the deck. This work took a while. To prepare each plank separately before gluing on the model, takes more time. The advantage is that no more sanding has to be done on the model. So there will be no dust on the model itself. The base for the whip staff has also been made. It has not become a deck with a nice equal planking scheme. So, my apologies to everyone who does not like this. Whip staff deck Thanks for following
  7. Ola, (Long live Google Translate )
  8. Some people say : "a drink a day, keeps the doctor away" But for me An hour of modeling per day, keeps the doctor away Patrick
  9. Welcome to MSW. Greetings Patrick
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