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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Hello, Because of the exceptional warm weather in this part of the world and other urgent matters that came first, there is little progress to report. But in the meantime I have succeeded in placing the LED lighting. The quality of this work can be much better. But, once the deck is fully placed above it, little of this will be visible. The LED lighting is purchased just after Christmas and New Year. Then there is sale, 40 LED lights with battery holder for about 2 euros ($ 3?) The lanterns are made of plastic sheet. Where the lighting remains visible, lanterns have been placed. Not at other places. a first "prototype" There is still room enough to place the deckplanks above the lantern visibility through the cannon ports I do not think that in the 16th century there was one ship with so much lanters below deck as on my model .... Thanks for following and reacting (the like button is now a reacting button, i noticed 👍😉).
  2. Interesting build to follow. I had no idea how such a ship was built at that time. Until now. Great work Steven
  3. A nice model of a Hanze ship (in German or English) http://www.modelships.de/Verkaufte_Schiffe/Hanse_Schiff_1/Hansa_ship.htm And on this site (in dutch) http://www.zuiderzeehoorn.nl/pg-27093-7-105505/pagina/15e_eeuw__-_kopie.html Also a model
  4. come and get it Thanks Michael, But beer at room temperature. No no, in Belgium we drink cooled beer Thanks, Kriek, also tasty. It is still too hot here in Belgium (it is from 1976 ago that it has been so hot and dry here) So building is slow. I started with the deck beams and the hanging knees. The deck beams are made of cherry. They are 24 hours soaked in water and 24 hours clamped. I made this a month ago to see if they kept the correct curved shape. Most remained correctly curved. Most deck beams are placed. The rear beams are not yet installed, first I have to put the helm in place Still much to do. Did a test set-up of the deck with the main mast. Have to place LED lights and make lanterns (one prototype as a test, and for now not yet satisfied with the result). etc, etc. Thanks for following and likes
  5. Carl Believe it or not. Outboard loading was, at that time, more a necessity than an exception Thanks, Do you remember the discussion we had? How to load the 2 small cannons on the deck on your Vasa. Maybe the text and images below show the solution. Climbing overboard... on y Meanwhile, here in Belgium it is to hot to build modelships. a drink a day keeps the doctor away
  6. Tłumaczenia językowe są okropne!!! = Language translations are terrible !!! Yep, Google translate is useful. But indeed, it sometimes makes strange misspellings You Colleagues are both right !!! Thanks (dziękuję) I'm doing a model for the Polish edition of the De Agostini collection. I undertook to do it exactly according to the instructions contained in the notebooks. In my case, the case is based on the proof that this model can be built based on De Agostini notebooks. Bad research from De Agostini I build according to instructions, but on the Polish blog I suggest modelers how correctly these elements should actually be valorized. Great work !!
  7. Then the instructions are totally wrong about this point. Hubac's Historian is right. It is indeed advisable to correct this error. Ps Otherwise very nicely done.
  8. Here is the build of a beautiful replica under construction. The San juan, a Basque whaler from the 16th century. History http://www.albaola.com/en/site/investigation-process Replica http://www.albaola.com/en/site/building-process Enjoy
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