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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Welcome to MSW Sodburybungy, and good luck with finishing the Victory
  2. Beautifully made. And the new lower fore castle fits perfectly
  3. Nicely made and very well explained. Always a pleasure to follow.
  4. Indeed, do a search under Cutty Sark. There is much to be found
  5. I am also interested in this topic The Mary rose looks to be a good source of information. look here on page.80 https://books.google.be/books?id=A5-ACgAAQBAJ&pg=RA1-PA80&lpg=RA1-PA80&dq=anti-boarding+netting&source=bl&ots=QPLNL7G03S&sig=ACfU3U3M84A3LtPl4L8oUqFiYkW2HW0xlQ&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwil07ax1YHhAhVGblAKHUbYCrIQ6AEwCnoECAMQAQ#v=onepage&q=anti-boarding netting&f=false searching further 🧐 And found some more The mesh is about 10cm The rope is (roughly estimated) 1.5cm Anti-Boarding Net _ These are fragments of anti-boarding net… _ Flickr.html
  6. Made a few 1/72e scale military kits from Hobbyboss They were easy to build and of good quality
  7. Thanks, I had actually already thought about doing this. Perhaps with diluted paint (tamiya colors diluted with water / isopropanol) dont now yet. But before I do anything about this I first have to try this out on some leftovers from the rigging.
  8. Nice model Great work with the stretched sprue for gap filling
  9. Welcome to MSW Nice model and a lovely cat
  10. Belgian triple (beer) and a lot of free time.
  11. Update, The outside of the forecastle is ready. The doors will be made later and a ladder will be provided later in the castle itself . A tricky part Tricky part is ready, painting Saw at the right height (and dust prevention with tape) Work in progress Ready There is a proper tool for every job. A file is not a chisel (I learned this in the technical school when I was 12years old...) revenge part removed the hard way Thanks for following
  12. Greetings from Belgium. "Dutch Clog-a-War " is dat van een klomp ??
  13. Welcome, and greetings from Belgium.
  14. Welcome, and greetings from Belgium
  15. The helmsman is standing at the back of the ship. These windows are at the front. And Vasa did not have a forecastle
  16. Thanks for the positive comments No worries. This is going to look much better then my first idea
  17. Thanks Fabio, After searching through my documentation, I found that Steven is absolutely right. Going back to the beginning of this log I came across Matthew Baker's drawing. The sides of the fore castle must be as identical as possible all around. Wales, symbols, figures they have to go through in one line as much as possible. So first i need to remove some pieces. And then start to rebuild. 2 doors are provided with "sufficient" passage height. Parts are first pre-painted as much as possible. But, here and there some area's will have to be sanded and repainted. 2 Dry fitted parts I think i am back on the right track. Thanks for following
  18. Greetings from Belgium
  19. I am probably too late with this. Sorry. If you paint the deck that is under the grating black then it will look more like there is an "space" under this grating. So, just paint the piece of deck under the grating black. The grating itself is not be painted black. Ps, If you do not like this yourself. Then you should not do this. This is just free advice.
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