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Everything posted by Baker

  1. indeed. Just look at the topic below In those days the hull planks were 4.2 to 5.2 meters long. suppose that deck planks were 6.4m long (640 cm) Then a deck plank on scale 1/64 can be about 10 cm long maximum ( 4 inch). The deck planking on my Golden Hind will have bits and pieces.
  2. En groetjes uit Belgie.
  3. too long is not a problem. you can bend the tracks a little down between the return rollers. This calls "a sagging look" i think.
  4. Danny, Tracks on a scalemodel can always be a bit too long or too short (Unfortunately, I have already experienced this a lot...) Do not glue the tracks before you are sure that the length is correct. I would first place the front and last wheel (bottom rollers) then you see if the tracks have the correct length. The track tension is controlled with the idler wheel. Nice work.
  5. Thank you, In the meantime, a cautious start has been made with the fitting of bolts. These must be carefully sanded later And an attempt to imitate the "nails and planks" "bolts and nails" are made of stretched spreu
  6. And good luck with your first wooden ship
  7. Groeten uit Belgie
  8. update Both hull halves are glued together with the deck. All molded on details on the inside are first sanded away. The round cannon ports are made square and all holes in the hull that are not needed are closed. The outside of the hull is now being cleaned up. Thanks for following
  9. Welcome to MSW and greetings from Belgium
  10. Welcome on the build of Revell's Bounty scale 1/110 I got this kit for free from friends who cleaned up their attic. My first idea when I opened the box. Was oops .... On closer examination, it turned out that the model design probably dates from 1956. The mold is from 1978. Therefore the "lesser quality" of the details to current standards. First, i wanted to throw everything away. But it had some trouble with this idea. So why not start on it and try to add some extra details. This will not be an exact copy. My biggest challenge to make this model a bit nicer than what can be made with the contents of the kit. I am not going to buy extra parts, only items and plastic sheet from the parts box will be used. My only experience with plastic ship models dates from my younger years. I have only experience with military models in scale 1/72 So we shall what the future brings. Main goals are : making of a good model and have fun. Info about the ship and voyage https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Bounty Royal museum Greenwich https://prints.rmg.co.uk/search?q=bounty&type=product Info about the Revell model https://www.revell.de/en/products/modelmaking/ships/sailings-ships/h-m-s-bounty.html the deck is equipped with molded on details. Removing all this and making them new is impossible. That's why I make a new deck first Engrave the deckplanks on plastic sheet Add hatches and "grating" (This grating may be replaced later by something else) Opening for a ladder. I dont throw plastic leftover parts away .... A first test to see if the deck fits. and... it fits With 2 Bradley's in the background to be continued, thanks for following.
  11. Very nice work, and interesting to follow. A happy 2019 with a lot of model building.
  12. Welcome to MSW Patrick
  13. Very neatly made Ondras. For you and everyone that follows also a happy 2019
  14. I once had a Nissan Bleubird, with some "extra options" on it. Has brought me everywhere without problems for 14 years long. Happy new year to you and everyone here.
  15. Beautifully made xylokastra Steven Very well executed.
  16. You can use the individual tracks as spare tracks. These were often attached to the front or the side. These served also as extra armor. If you want to do this. let me know. Then I post some pictures. Sorry you had some problems with the teeth on your sprockets
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