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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Time for an update of the canon deck / orlop deck. This deck will be little visible later.The intention is to detail as much as possible as an exercise for building the higher decks. The deck planks are a mix of the decks of the Mary rose and the Vasa Side walls such as the San Juan wale ship Standing knees like the Gesham ship. This is the current status. The construction method will come in different posts. Spring has begun and there is a lot of work in the garden and the spring clean up Thanks for following Buildlog index see post 1
  2. Finished the bolts in the wales, keel, stern and stempost (the bolts below the waterline will be painted white later). Thanks for following
  3. Welcome to MSW Kristoffer. WEe have been a few times to Norway on holiday. Beautiful country
  4. Beautiful model Cristian. She deserves a special place in your house where everyone can see her.
  5. It is a pleasure to follow this build, A fairly unknown ship A kit from unknown manufacturer (for me anyway) And in between a complete story about this ship Dank u Piet (Thank you Piet).
  6. Welcome to MSW. And greetings from Belgium
  7. Great work Ondras Pins, Treenails ... Once you have applied them to the model, you will not regret it. But it is indeed a lot of work.
  8. Great work Michael, It was a pleasure to follow this. I am already looking forward to your next project
  9. After I started on the balcony. I new i had forgotten something Bolts. So first apply bolts to the wales and to the places where the knees are Info about the bolts. Source: the Gresham ship. To scale I must therefore have bolts whose head is 1.1 to 1.2 mm. The spacing between the bolts on the wales is 2 to 3 cm. Small nails of 1 cm "without head" are suitable for this. The heads vary between 1.1 and 1.2 mm in diameter. Right size it can not be better. Method used : The nails are first degreased in acetone and dryed. Then the heads are made black with Perma Bleu and cut to length with a pair of pliers Predrilling a hole where a nail should come. Nail and ready. Work in progres Thanks for following
  10. Backer's idea, Can you not make the oval piece with the name separate? This may work easier
  11. great progress E.J. I am sure that you will find the right solution for this challenge.
  12. Nicely done Michael, Almost finished, do not forget to put the champagne in the refrigerator to celebrate
  13. Welcome, And success with your first model ship.
  14. Thanks Christian. This was the most complex "camouflage scheme" I have ever tried to paint. Long live panzer gray, olive green and other sand colors in my military modeling
  15. Painting is done. On this part of the hull the colors have become white and red. After painting a light dry brushing with white and reddish brown was applied. Sometimes it did not go according to plan... The pelican is also further painted. Now we can start with the floor of the balcony. And make windows and a door. Thanks for following, index see post 1.
  16. Looks great. The shape of the ship is already starting to become visible.
  17. Looks great. Once finshed it will be a beautiful diorama.
  18. On this site http://www.modelships.de/ I found this link http://www.finemodelships.com/sale_transport.htm Maybe they can help you. Although, Packing it yourself and transporting it to your father by car is perhaps faster and cheaper.
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