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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Greetings, And
  2. First German edition in 1988 First English edition in 1990 With as subject the history, origin and end of the galleons in Spain England the Netherlands, Portugal France, Scandinavia .. Construction Rules and armament Strategy for attack and defense Life and routine on board The men on board (who did what) Rigging With beautiful photos, drawings and plans. Detailed description of the original "Stockholm Galleon model" Description of a built model of this galleon. Recommended
  3. The layout is in the well-known New Vanguard style. First edition was in 2004 The subject is : The history, origin and purpose of the Spanish galions Operation of the convoy system between the de Americas and Spain Construction rules and armament The attack and defense strategy Life and routine on board. Easy to read text (even for someone like me who never learned English at school) With beautiful photos and color prints Bought for 8.48 pounds. I am happy with my purchase
  4. Great work. Greetings and
  5. Greetings and
  6. Greetings and
  7. Ondras, interesting info is on these 2 pdf files. And there is a detailed drawing of a carriage with 3 wheels. https://www.academia.edu/20120786/The_Arming_of_Late_16th_century_Merchantmen._A_Masters_Thesis_from_the_Maritime_Archaeology_Programme_University_of_Southern_Denmark http://nautarch.tamu.edu/Theses/pdf-files/Hoskins-MA2004.pdf "Risse von Schiffen des 16./17. Jahrhunderts" is a very interesting book. But do not ask for detailed plans about ships from the 16th century. They simply do not exist. Dont do you are building a beautiful model
  8. Greetings, And
  9. Take a look at this Apply PE parts is easy ..... (for some of us)
  10. Greetings from your northern neighbor And welcome to MSW
  11. Thank you everyone for the nice comments. (Carl, I'm not a fan of football. I also like peace and quiet). I have added some bolts in the upper wales. Bolts that remain visible on the inside are also fitted. So that it looks that these bolts run through the frame and the wale. And i have become the proud owner of some interesting books. First I will read and study before I continue to build
  12. Beautifully painted. I use CA glue for PE parts. This is indeed difficult, to glue everything neatly in the right place.
  13. Greetings, and
  14. Indeed I'm not really that good with electricity so I bought a ready-made set. The disadvantage is that all lights are at the same distance from each other. That is why it is sometimes a puzzle to get the lights in the right place. cannon deck below Welcome on board Pieter
  15. Thanks. I live not far from the border with the Netherlands and know many nice Dutch people. Hup Holland,hup
  16. Thank you all for the nice comments and following I started with the rear castle. The front part will remain open and the rear part is the cabin for officers, here is also the whippstaff. Wear due to frequent passage. Some of the crew are too lazy to raise their feet when they go through the door 2 hanging knees with bolts Work in progress Thanks for following
  17. Just viewed your build of the Victory. Very well done
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