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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Welcome to MSW Greetings from Belgium
  2. Steven, I also do not find this a good solution. I expected (actually hoped) for this comment. Early galleons had this opening (1540-1550), but after this period not. For the time being I place only the 2 beams. and think further about the what to do : 1 opening / 2 doors. It is perhaps best to place 2 doors and ignore the problem between the block and the capstan. The doors will always remain visible. The problem with the block not.
  3. Thanks for the comments, The forecastle. What looked simple was actually a bit complicated. Where to place the doors ? Where to place the ladders? The height of the deck ? The hatch to the lower deck is in the way. It was not smart of me to provide this hatch at this place. First the height of the deck is determined. My assistant is very helpful in this. Then the support beam (beamshelf?) Of the deck beams is placed. The location of doors and ladders is now being studied. 2 doors or openings on the side is not an option, the block in the fore castle can not be operated with the capstan. The only solution on this model is one large opening in the middle without doors. The block in the fore castle can be operated with the capstan. The opening will be made wider than the example so that access to the fore castle is easier. I now know how to proceed. And looking at drawings from that time both solutions can be correct. To be continued. Thanks for following.
  4. 16th century cannonbarrels http://nautarch.tamu.edu/Theses/pdf-files/Hoskins-MA2004.pdf Batavia (early 17th century) rigging https://www.modelships.de/Museums_and_replicas/Batavia/Photos_Batavia.htm
  5. Great work You are on the right track with your GH. The changes you want to make are a very good idea
  6. I've never seen anything like this on drawings. I would remove them. But, that is my non-committal opinion. Why not provide a few loose ropes like in the picture below. Nice work.
  7. Thanks, Why did you use white for the rigging? A stupid beginners mistake (I got this kit for free (but without rigging) and had to improvise Which colors did you use and what manufacturer makes them? Tamiya matte colors What wood oil or stains did you work with? matte varnish, the color is old oak
  8. Do not know much about dromons. But the best option seems to be to lower the forecastle. And a horizontal deck looks the most logical. Greetings Patrick
  9. Great work
  10. Small update, The inside is painted and the waterway is ready. This work me took more time than expected. Thanks for following.
  11. Thanks Vossiewulf, I have been working on this ship for a few years now. Nobody knows what this really looked like. And most of the "detailed drawings" of this ship were actually drawn a few centuries later. Probably it was not a real warship but an armed merchantman. Paint schemes are the choice of the builder. None (brown wooden hull), red green white (English) Yellow red (Spanish). Nobody can say that you're wrong (or correct). In the years that this ship sailed over the oceans it will probably have been repainted a few times. And if you are thousands of miles from home, you have to paint with what you have found from the Spaniards ... What is reasonably certain : Below the water line it is almost certainly white (the white stuff) Inside of the gun gates certainly no red (ordinary wood color, brown) Wales certainly not black, that came into use later Greetings Patrick
  12. Great work. With all builds of the Revenge, the triangles and stripes on the hull are always beautifully painted. But I have never seen how this is done. How do you do this? With my Golden Hind, I had to cut masking tape for hours before I could start painting
  13. Be sure to use glue to fix the first layer. And where necessary, nails are usually used. The filler blocks is also a good idea.
  14. And thank you for the link. greetings, patrick
  15. Greetings from Belgium
  16. Why not move the hole of the ladder a little to the left. Now this is still possible.
  17. Welcome to MSW and good luck with the exercises for walking again.
  18. Welcome to MSW. Very good for a 40+ year project
  19. update, The copper sheeting is ready. The rudder now has 4 hinges as it should be (The model had only 3 hinges). The railing has been removed again, it was not really what it was supposed to be. Tested with a metal color, can be okay. to be continued, thanks for following ( Shipyard closed in the summer, on hold until october, november 2019)
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