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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Greetings from someone who also can not translate without google
  2. Thanks steven. The average length of a man in the 16th century may have been 160 cm. 160 cm : 45 = 3.6 cm to scale
  3. Hello, I made these pieces last week. Everything looked good, but I felt something was wrong. I made the pieces too big. They are not in proportion to the model. I also discovered that my cherry wood is not suitable for this application. The wood differs too much in color So redo. Better and smaller next time
  4. And good luck with the viking ship
  5. At home now and looking on my computer (big screen) instead on my small smartphone. If this is your first plank. Then you can get into trouble on your forecastle and maybe on your rearcastle On the Dusek drawings this plank stops on the forecastle and not on the bow. (Dusek drawing is from the dusek website) ps Nice planking on the stern
  6. A build log of a Golden Hind is always interesting for me. I hope you can start soon with your model.
  7. Welcome Phil from France. I am sure that you will find something on this site
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