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Posts posted by Baker

  1. Painting is done.
    On this part of the hull the colors have become white and red.
    After painting a light dry brushing with white and reddish brown was applied.


    Sometimes it did not go according to plan...



    The pelican is also further painted.


    Now we can start with the floor of the balcony. And make windows and a door.


    Thanks for following, index see post 1.


  2. 17 minutes ago, canoe21 said:

    Hello Patrick


    Great job on your painting and also on your Stern Pelican Decoration, a very new and also a great approach to make your ship one of a kind, Well Done,    ENJOY.


    Regards   Lawrence

    Thanks Lawrence,

    My way of building and finishing one does not see much indeed.
    No one knows what this ship has ever looked like. So there is a fair amount of freedom in the painting of this ship

  3. 4 hours ago, amateur said:

    Given the paintings (and the large grisaille of the four-day battle) I would go for the 3D-version.


    What I am not sure about is the lettering on the banderole.

    Dik reads:  De 7 Provincien

    the Batavia-model reads - as the Tomesen-model : De 7 Provinctye (or Provinctie, I am not sure).

    Depends on your interpretation, but the Tomesen-version does look a bit weird to me (never saw this way of writing the Dutch word "province" before)







    Maybe provinctye is spelled correctly in "old dutch or old Flamish" (same language but hundreds of different dialects).
    What follows now is an explanation in Dutch that is impossible to translate to English for me (sorry). And this is an opinion that is open for discussion.


    Provinctye spreekt uit als Provinstie (Provinctye speaks out as provinstie)

    Wij zeggen nu ook :

    vakantie = vakantsie

    politie = politsie

    Misschien door die oude spelling voegen we nu de letter "s" toe als we deze woorden uitspreken.

    De C en de S,  de Y en de i : hebben in sommige woorden dezelfde klank om uit te spreken.


    So "Provinctye" can be spelled correctly.




    beautiful work !!



    my answer is a bit too late






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