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Posts posted by Baker

  1. The penanten are indeed a part of the foundation (I was too slow to translate with google and I did not even know what penanten were
    until now )


    I found this : replacing the "kruipalen" on a mill



  2. The Cannon deck or orlop deck.
    Most details on this deck are guesswork. As soon as the upper deck is built, there  will be little left visible of this deck (the idea is to place LED lights inside later)


    The planking of the deck.
    My only references were the Mary Rose (early 16th century) and the Vasa (early 17th century)
    The Mary Rose deck looks like one big puzzle.
    The Vasa deck looks beautiful and looks good.
    What to use from the 2 as an example? So a "mix" of the 2

    (Mary Rose deck)


    My first attempt :(


    The hatches were applied to this deck
    And i started planking a new deck above the first deck. And then forgot to take pictures :default_wallbash:



    Started planking at the sides of the hatches



    Apparently never stop with a sharp point. Just stop a plank like this.



    Wider planks to fill larger holes.



    There is some "Vasa" order in Mary Rose "puzzle"

    I used a marker pen for caulking the planks, and will NOT use this on the upper decks. I dont like it after the painting is done.

    The treenails are made with a pencil, fast and easy. And good enough fot this deck.


    Coloring of the deck. 
    2 thin layers of thinned Tamiya dark sea grey XF-54 (20% paint 80% isopropylalcohol) are used.
    I like the result It looks pretty good as old weathered oak


    Thanks for following

  3. Great work Michael.


    some ideas :


    Then looking at the profile grrr –these kit supplied planks look way too thin – and out of scale?, especially with the weight of the ballast rocks that these planks need to support.

    • Remember that there are more frames and placed closer together (= more support).


    Minor update that includes some frustrations, using the kit supplied planks; I thought that I would try also using Pinstripe tape to simulate the caulking.

    • Was there caulking on these interior planks?  Maybe you should not do caulking here

    I am not at home now (work :(). But I will see this evening at home if I find more information about this

  4. 9 hours ago, md1400cs said:



    Superb update - again ! I have bookmarked some of your current ideas for use in my current project.

    As always thanks for sharing such well explained "how to" details.

    Beautiful work on this prroject



    Thanks Michael


    I have looked at your Santisima build a few times. Looks promising.
    But be careful
    I  see many differences with the construction of a hull in the 16th century and in the period of your ship (18th century ?)

  5. Time for an update of the canon deck / orlop deck.
    This deck will be little visible later.The intention is to detail as much as possible as an exercise for building the higher decks.

    The deck planks are a mix of the decks of the Mary rose and the Vasa
    Side walls such as the San Juan wale ship
    Standing knees like the Gesham ship.

    This is the current status.
    The construction method will come in different posts.
    Spring has begun and there is a lot of work in the garden and the spring clean up :(


    Thanks for following

    Buildlog index see post 1

  6. After I started on the balcony. I new i had forgotten something


    So first apply bolts to the wales and to the places where the knees are

    Info about the bolts. Source: the Gresham ship.



    To scale I must therefore have bolts whose head is 1.1 to 1.2 mm. The spacing between the bolts on the wales is 2 to 3 cm.

    Small nails of 1 cm "without head" are suitable for this. The heads vary between 1.1 and 1.2 mm in diameter. Right size it can not be better.


    Method used :

    The nails are first degreased in acetone and dryed. Then the heads are made black with Perma Bleu and cut to length with a pair of pliers

    Predrilling a hole where a nail should come. Nail and ready.



    Work in progres



    Thanks for following

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