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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Indeed, this was something with a lot of wheels 😉. The basic shape of the front floating tank is ready Lost my patience and switched to filler for this 🤣 The basic shape of the weasels is ready On the epoxy model they used T34 tracks... If I have to make 4 sets of tracks for the 29c. then I can also make 1 extra set for the epoxy model. Thanks for following, likes and comments
  2. Nice colors for the deck 👍. Indeed A red background with colored figures is historically correct. But quite a challenge to paint on this small scale Blue with gilded figures is not correct. But perhaps easier to paint and also very nice to look at. As mentioned before. Your model your colors. Ps, The collors on my Vasa are not the correct colors.
  3. ben beginner met ervaring bouwen Smit Rotterdam. veel plezier maar niet perfect. nu de Endeavour van Occre gekocht en wil deze met jullie hulp tot een mooi einde brengen. Zijn er al tips waar ik bij aanvang op moet letten? ik sta open voor alle hulp en kritiek. In English I am a beginner with experience building the Smit Rotterdam, a lot of fun but not perfect. I now bought the Endeavor from Occre and with your help I want to bring it to a good end. Are there any tips I should pay attention to at the start? I am open to any help and criticism. To kloppie I would say. Step one : start a build log
  4. Plans and a set of sails are still available if required https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/cgi-bin/ss000001.pl?page=search&SS=Stadt+von+Bremen+sails+&PR=-1&TB=O&ACTION=Go! Good luck with the restoration and have fun
  5. I just changed the title of this build. The Billings Vasa is on scale 1/75. Grimbergen ... one of the many good Belgian beers, is always availeble in my refrigerator 👍
  6. Smal update Since I only continue on this build occasionally, progress is slow. As expected, the front float tank is not an easy thing to make. So there is a lot of fitting and measuring to do. And for now, nothing has been done wrong that needs to be removed again 😉 Meanwhile : wheels, wheels, wheels for a russian tank trailer. The ChMZAP-5208 under construction and a heavy truck from the shelf Thanks for following, comments and likes.
  7. Welkom kloppie
  8. Nice painting. But with his poor foot in that sharp clamp. Ouch 😬😉
  9. Of course not. Already looking forward to your little Vasa Build No, this was a good comment. The white rigging was really "not done" I have learned a lot with this model. And I made some euros on it after i sold it.
  10. Interesting project Am looking forward to the finished model(s)
  11. Congrats on the Mayflower and
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