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Posts posted by reklein

  1. I'm with Doug on this. I also carved off most of the excess wood. The reason Chuck uses such heavy material is to get enough "meat"  to create the shapes needed in the finished project. Also you could do a little carving now and break up the type of work you are doing to break the tedium.You gotta admit that not every second of model ship building is full of creative wonderment.I used 100 grit to start sanding after carving back the wood. Just don't get too aggressive with the carving. Be careful of the grain.


  2. Doug, I coppered a BJ Constitution but haven't finished it after 12 years. I think somewhere on here is a log of how I did it unless it was before the crash.

    Dr.Per you might benefit most by seeing what not to do.

            I was looking in the book and I see that the sheer strake and wales are next. I'm trying to figure out how best to get a nice clean paint job. I was thinking about pre painting them but it would be tough to bend unless I bent them first. Hmm. The other way is paint them after but the hull will have to be sealed as paint tends to run in unsealed wood even under masking.



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