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Posts posted by RGL

  1. Yes, yes, maybe and no. 900 crew would cost as much as the em whole model plus extras. 

    it’s just plod work really but nessesary. There is a large about of detail to go but the flight deck does not sit easily on the hull so I need to do the interiors then mask them off so I can paint the outsides. The tricky bits are the stern then the focsle as they will be covered over by the deck, 

  2. And the other side. Note most of this will not be visible on from looking inside the side doors. There are 3 elevators, the AOTS intrepid state there are two cylinders per hoist (I can find no photos of this, but I have used cut off big bore barrels. There is also supposed to be lift wells which would be overcapitalising. I intend to have the side lift down and the two centre ones up. 








  3. 3 hours ago, Red Rhino said:

    Hi RGL: In the States we refer to them as "the Greatest Generation" I think for good reason. I have never made it to the Pacific battlefields, but have stood on both Utah and Omaha Beaches in France in awe of what they did.


    What is your process for etching the armor belts on the hull. At first I thought they were scribed, but they looked raised in your pictures.



    I mask the lines of the hull plates and add layers of primer then etch they plates into the primer.it only needs to be about 1mm

  4. Starting on the hull plates. Nearly a whole roll of masking tape. You can see from this shot of Essex in dry dock in 1945 it’s very subtle and you can hardly see them. There are some attractions or ribs visible but I imagine this would be from the previous 3 years of war service. As I’m doing this early in her service the US Navy dark blue will hardly make it visible. 



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