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Posts posted by RGL

  1. Finally, I hand painted all the features that are supposed to be metal. There was a tiny bit of over run but after weathering and parking airplanes on top it want stick out. 


    Next is to paint a big yellow line down the centre and the flags. The wind barriers don’t need to go on yet permanently. Coming along OK. 




  2. It’s dried rust, as it’s a dark colour it comes up very bright. I might work some scratches into it with a lighter primer colour on panel lines yet. There is a really big flagpole and a quad cannon in the stern that does distract a bit. 


    Once  I get the deck on I need to paint on nazi flags, landing lines and the weather it. Yes, there will be nazi flags as it’s still historically accurate regardless of it being repugnant. 


    There will then be every bit as much as detail as Yamato or Ise. 

  3. The lid is on, hardest part of the build now needs a full day of touch ups and the rear support struts under the flight deck. I’ll have to pull off half of the support gussets and glue them flush to the hull. 


    Everything above the flight deck line can be done after everything below it is finished. Armaments will be done second last to the aircraft. 


    The massive holes cut cut in the front of the flight deck will house the catapults. 75E33689-2D00-434F-A53B-AAE5E37B593D.thumb.jpeg.10757b17deecb192c1d1bddec51c4e7b.jpeg







  4. I’ve been dry fitting the deck over and over and to get it to sit correctly and flush will take it being put down in sections. Then it has to be glued. That will be probably the hardest part of the build apart from the air wings. 


    As for the primer, if you put a clear coat over the red primer I’m hoping it will weather better. 

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