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Everything posted by rdsaplala

  1. Nice work on the gunports, David, I concur with Sjors, the additional planking should cover up any bleed.
  2. Congrats Lieutenant Commander Mobbsie, this calls for some champagne!
  3. Thank you so much for those pictures, Augie, I really appreciate it I think they're a pretty good match. Mark, I thought of using boxwood for the stem and keel pieces because of its strength, and then using basswood for the hull planking since it looks pretty close to boxwood, but is much cheaper and can be edge-bent (a cheaper alternative to spiling from sheet).
  4. Thank you very much for offering a mock-up, Augie, I would very much appreciate that I plan to leave both woods in natural color if their colors blend nicely.
  5. Thanks Brian, I'm still in the process of getting some info before purchasing my timber. I've been looking everywhere but can't seem to see any picture of boxwood and basswood placed side by side.
  6. Hi guys, I am contemplating on using castello boxwood for the stem and keel of a POB build, then using basswood for the hull planking. I'd like to request the opinions of members with experience using both woods if combining the them will likely give an aesthetically acceptable color combination. I've seen builds combining boxwood plus swiss pear and boxwood plus holly, but have yet to see boxwood plus basswood. Thanks in advance.
  7. not really... some soaking in hot water or using a plank nipper is usually sufficient to bend these thick planks. the only problem i see with these kit provided planks, whatever their thickness, is that they are too narrow, making it difficult to properly spile them, but that‘s another story.
  8. could it be this thick because it‘s single planked? i have an AL Hermione frigate in my stash and if i remember correctly, her planks are 2mm thick. i think you could use this to your advantage as there will be more room for sanding.
  9. Congratulations on finishing this milestone, Sjors, with the hard stuff out of the way, all the rigging work will be smooth sailing from now on
  10. Lovely rigging work Andy, Peggy is looking great! Have a safe voyage.
  11. If i remember correctly, Bob Hunt went the whole hog and made a laser cut kit of the fully framed swan class ship kingfisher, i think nearly all the individual frame components were laser cut in that particular model but due to the complex and numerous components, the major drawback was that the price was quite high and prohibitive. Edit: My mistake when I said laser cut, I meant CNC cut (thanks for the correction, Andy).
  12. Wow! they look great Sjors, just looking at the sheer number of those ratlines that you're finished already makes me dizzy, you're now a certified ratline expert my friend!
  13. Very nice bit of scratchbuilding there, Vitus, your clinker planking looks great.
  14. Ah yes, the knees, just the thought of having to shape each and everyone of those to make them fit the adjacent structures gives me the creeps, but you make it look so easy Danny, very elegant work
  15. Very nice planking work Vitus, I like the wood contrast in the planks
  16. She's looking good David, looking forward to the second planking, perhaps you could use a very small amount of CA for the tip of the plank to get it to bite initially then use PVA for the rest of the plank
  17. Welcome home Grant, hope you had a nice vacation, I'm sure you missed Victory, I know we did
  18. Excellent conjecture Danny, makes perfect sense, beautiful work on the light and half doors too
  19. Super fast and beautiful work, Augie, you'll be planking her very soon, I can see her lovely lines from your last few pics
  20. Wow! You're really flying, Sjors, at this rate you'll finish those ratlines in no time at all, excellent work my friend!
  21. I can see that your rigging spiders have been very busy, Popeye, your rigging looks great as always!
  22. She just keeps getting better and better, Mobbsie, lovely work on those chains and excellent start on the Pinnace!
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