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svein erik

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Posts posted by svein erik

  1. Some more fittings has been dunn,

    pin rails are in place  (not glued yet) I used some scrapp wood for this so it stas at the same hight, 

    the davits is in place, catheads are made (not install yet) and am making new belaying pins also,

    for this I used some leftovers from chuck's gratings kit (boxvood ) and used dremel to turn them 

    4 made ,70-80 to go LOL😲 and it small to.... ( and I used some gum back of the scrapp wood so I got my hand free when drilling etc)










  2. Thanks for the liks, 


    Finish the rudder and the Tiller (its not glued on yet )

    but I did a horrible mistake on gluing the gudgeons to the hull and it cant be re dunn😲

    Not without ripping of copper plates. ...

    I used wrong glue CA , so am not doing that the nex time 🙈🙈🙈, and also do Not build when you have the man flu .😷I did try ,now you can see how that went 🙊


    but a question , Wats the best way to glue the gudgeons to the hull ?








  3. And something else !


    I did say erlyer that my nex build is the cheerful, but thats on hold 

    wat am going to start is scratch build the M/S Rogaland 

    its a Coast ship and was buildt in 1929 in Stavanger so it a local ship .

    I have a meeting nex week with the foundation about the drawings so I can start planing the prodjekt 

    for now I do Not have ide of scale and I my have many questions also😲

    If some out there has seen the movie Dunkirk then you have seen the ship.

    I wil not start a logg for now but I wil do wen I start on the prodjekt nex year. 






  4. Spiling the planks are needed and am not a first class planker bu I do try to get there,

    am using chuck's  method lining off the hull ,this I used on my syren and also for my next,and next

    I yust jump into it and if I fail with a bang I yust start again, for me it was or still is the best way to learn.

    Its yust wood so it can be replased 😊and do look at chucks  models how he planks them,

    my gol is to be better then him.... LOL 😭



  5. Some more work has been dunn to the hull,

    but am looking at the headrails constructing and there are no laser carving 😲 

    These are small and made in basswood, its going to be hell on eaght to carve without nothing to go on,

    I took one out and make a pensel mark insted to see how it looks,  wel.... I do Not now....

    maby I have to make these in boxvood? 






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