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svein erik

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Posts posted by svein erik

  1. I finaly got the stamp to work, a little rebuild did the work.

    so I made some sample to try on a boxvood sheet 

    but it Seems to me that wen I take of the copper plates from the teip 

    it kind of roll inn, so wen I put it on you can see its not Strait on the sheet, 

    Maby this like this or it wil be better wen tones down?


    Svein. Erik 





  2. Hi again and thanks for the likes 😊

    I did start the dekk planks. But the nibbing I started after 3 plank (4) 

    in the practicum its starts after 5 plank (same same but different 🙊

    I use boxvood and its hard to nibb this if the margin plank is glue to the ship, 

    So the margin plank on both side is loose so I can do this off ship.


    And I try also the ropewalk,  making rope for the first time 

    I havent nails it yet but its a good start 😊









  3. 4 hours ago, Dziadeczek said:

    Aren't you supposed to allow one end of yout ropewalk to slide on the table (perhaps weighted with a ballast?) to allow your rope to shrink somewhat?

    Twisted rope is typically shorter than individual strands for about 25%.

    Perhaps that's the reason you broke your first rope...

    Yes, I did that, but went a little to far of the braking point ......

    So I try again but not so far this time and it works. I do have to work on the skils her so the rope

    Is more like a rope . I have some rope from chuck so I can look at and adjust mine as good I can get it, until  am a master🙊haha ha, wl in time I hope my rope is exelent 😊



  4. Thanks for the liks everyone, 


    Wat did I do today 😃 I did conekted the wirering for some lights  (lamps)

    And it looks grait ( better then the photo showes) 

    But I think its going to be long time before I do this again 😰 its dam small and time consuming ,

    it works and its dunn😃













  5. 3 hours ago, Chuck said:

    But what is the thickness?   Not of the wales but even the general planking topsides.   Every Hahn model I see seems so heavy and "thick".  It makes the thickness of the bulwarks very wide with a huge cap rail that would probably end up being like two feet wide on the real ship.   If I were building the halifax, I would probably use 3/64" thick planking and that would be sanded even thinner once in place.  For the wales I would build it up in layers by adding another 3/64" strip on top of it and maybe a thinner one for the black strake.   Once the model is done and if done neatly.....who would ever know.   I realize that the real ships werent planked like this but its an odd thing to keep trying for "traditions" sake when maybe taking a different approach might be so much less painful and yield better results.  If it doesnt effect the final appearance why not give that a try?



    So this meens that I need to use 3/64 general planking for the cheerful hull ?


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