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Everything posted by aliluke

  1. Exceptional work Robert - very crisp and clean. I have Chucks carriages which are great but by avoiding the laser cutting char yours are a step up. Thankfully, without your skills and tools, I have Chucks skills and tools to fall back on. Cheers Alistair
  2. That looks pretty good to me Vitus. Perhaps protrudes a little far from the hull though? You can get the PE brass window frames from Pegasus - I ordered mine through Chris Watton. They would be very fiddly to make in wood strip but it looks like you have the skills required. Cheers Alistair
  3. Hi Ken Definitely let the glue dry before removing by scraping. Your damp cloth is probably working the glue/graphite mix into the plank. I used holly on my Fly deck and no matter how messy it looked I didn't touch any glue residue until it was completely dry. I used white glue and it is very easy to scrape off when it is dry. I'd also suggest taking off the stained planks as they will annoy you forever. Cheers Alistair
  4. What wood are using for the decks? I'm with Russ - a 2B pencil on one or both edges works for me but I haven't experienced it soaking into the plank and it being a problem with staining the planks. Perhaps the wood species is the problem? Alistair
  5. Hi Hamilton I'm amazed that with your children and your work how quick you build. More than that, how accurate you are as well. Stunning work at such a small scale. A pleasure to follow. Cheers Alistair
  6. Fantastic stuff Ron, the furled sails are a courageous addition which you have pulled off perfectly. With the running rigging installed this is going to be a great model. I look forward to seeing it's completion. We get to that point where we ask...what's next? Cheers Alistair
  7. Very crisp work Vitus - great. The alignment of your nails looks spot on. The black is an interesting choice but looks really sharp. Look forward to more. Cheers Alistair
  8. Good to see you underway Rowan. I remember you were tossing up a while back on which ship to tackle. The Syren is a great choice - a very fine ship with lots of detail from what I've seen. Looks like you are very organised too with tools etc. One good starting mission is to sort and separate the planks by their size, label them and then check they match the parts list. Wish I'd done this on my AVS as the planks provided didn't match the parts list at all - many sizes provided that weren't needed and many needed sizes not provided - and I didn't discover this until well into the build! I look forward to your progress. Cheers Alsitair
  9. Hi Mike Before you blacken how are you cleaning the barrel? I use Spirits of Salt. I haven't tried it with Chuck's barrels but it worked on previous brass blackening that I've done. Also have seen people use lacquer thinner and have heard of vinegar being used too. I'm going to have a go at Chuck's barrels this week - we'll see if I share your problem... Cheers Alistair
  10. Hi Bob. Your precision continues to amaze me - great work. I'll keep following. Cheers Alistair
  11. Thanks Hamilton - Good to see them in use...just see them. Those things are like grains of sand and it further shows how small the parts you are dealing with are. You have become a master! Hats off. Cheers Alistair
  12. Fantastic Robert. I'd love to see your log move faster as your work is incredibly precise and a joy to look at. I've just received Chuck's 6 pounder barrels and carriages for the same. The comparison between the Amati kit barrel and the Syren Model barrel is startling - that is the kit barrel is grossly oversized. A check with my research suggests that Syren's is slightly smaller than correct but I trust Chuck's research over mine. Anyway they are perfectly turned and further highlight just how crass the kit versions are. I'm sure you'll like Chuck's when they come. Cheers Alistair
  13. Excellent ratlines Ken. I used a similar method but did simple overhand knots rather than clove hitches - I'm not sure if you'd ever notice the difference. One thought is to add a few more lines at the base of the shrouds below the cleats? I did this by thinking that the first line at or above the cleats is too high for a sailor to mount (you can see these extra lines on my log). You are brave doing sails but it is going to look really good I'm sure. I just had a look at my AVS. Seeing your deck I was reminded that mine was as white as yours when I finished but now it is a yellow tone (which I like) must be a slow reaction between the lacquer (Testors Dullcote) and UV light. I wonder if you'll see that change too. A great AVS model you have there mate. Cheers Alistair
  14. One word, Jason, best word...crisp! Great work by you - to be admired and to inspire. Cheers Alistair
  15. Wow Hamilton. That is seriously small. To see that does make your work so much more impressive. Thank you for obliging, wow, wow, wow. Hats off to you. Fantastic! Now I need a close up of those 2mm blocks in place... Cheers Alistair
  16. Hi Mick Catching up your build again - looking good and you sure move fast. "Kiwi Passion" is an excellent colour choice for it's name alone! Cheers Alistair
  17. Great work Hamilton. I echo Andy - amazing stuff at such a small scale. Could you take a photo of it with a common object or a ruler so that we can appreciate that? Is this one a keeper or, like some of your previous models, will you send it to a new home? Cheers Alistair
  18. Hi Jay - Yes that is a Cook Strait ferry - the Aramoana - long since retired but we have to cross the Strait to get to Awaroa in the current ferries. These days they cancel the sailings if the seas are that high - probably 7 metres or so in the photo. They were running as high as 8 metres just a few weeks back. I crossed, years ago, on the Aramoana in similar seas, a trip that was accompanied by choruses of screams! Yes we lament the loss of the AC challenge - just needed three minutes more of race time in Race 13 to secure it...so close. Hard to say if NZ will get back up for it again. Apparently our team members are already being poached by rival syndicates. It takes a lot of dosh to hold these things together. Never mind, the All Blacks are on a big winning streak and now hold every trophy that they are eligible for. I look forward to your Connie updates! Cheers Alistair
  19. Good to see you back at it Jay. I'll have a look at the videos shortly. Cheers Alistair
  20. Just beautiful work - clean, crisp and precise. I'd really like to see a more detailed log. I can recommend Amati Fly or Pegasus - enhanced by the massive research in the TFFM volumes and practised by the builders here. Or go offline a bit and do a xebec? Can't remember the O'Brien book but Aubrey's fight with a Spanish xebec was one of the best sequences in the series in my memory - and yes, I've read them all... Whatever you choose I'm sure you'll make good of it. Cheers Alistair P.S. New Zealand watches, worries and cares about the fires in NSW. I hope you are in a safe place.
  21. Been a while since I looked and posted on your log Ray. Your Diana is looking fantastic. You have mastered so many skills that I battle with but it is very informative and encouraging to follow your progress and learn from it (I still refer to your Pegasus log for the same inspiration). I still marvel at your gun deck planking which we can now hardly see . I'll keep up with your work on Diana from now on. Thank you, Alistair
  22. Beautiful work Ferit - magnificent in fact. I'm sure all here have buckets full of rejected kit strips and then badly formed replacement strips. I have a box fill that could easily build another ship. It is the nature of getting it right which you are doing! Cheers Alistair
  23. Hi Steve I totally agree with you about the authenticity of the rope strops. Guess I'm just suggesting a wee cheat here to clear the lines. No matter though, you have roped them very well and you have a great looking tackle overall. All the same, I might, on my model, keep cheating... Great photos. The actual cannons are quite scary. Firing a steel ball, or other things, out of those at high velocity has to be a frightening event. Both the sheer muscle and the low technology are evident in both pictures. Cheers Alistair
  24. Hi Steve Your cannons are really looking the part - great work. In my opinion steel wrapping. rather than rope rigging to a hook, the blocks gives you much more room to rig. That said, your outcome looks great. For future reference ME does sell tiny eyebolts with an internal diameter of just 0.7mm. These are much smaller than anything else out there and are well scaled to the cannon rigs at 1/64 or 1/48. Caldercraft do a similar size in brass etch but that loses the rounded look. The ME stuff is fairly cheap even delivered to NZ. Whatever - your cannons are looking good and, if I were you, I'd just carry on and be happy and proud. Cheers Alistair.
  25. Beautiful work Jason. For your next model - with your skills I can't imagine any kit that is out of your reach! Cheers Alistair
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