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Posts posted by flying_dutchman2

  1. On 5/1/2017 at 8:59 AM, YankeeD said:

    Thats a lot of driving and only 3 weeks and in June??


    Take flights on some of the budget airlines that is probably cheaper than the gasoline and the return fee for the hired car for such a trip.


    Saves you a lot of time, to be spent somewhere else instead in a car on busy roads... (its June remember, summer time. unless you drive through the nights it can get very busy on the roads)


    just my 5 cnts..


    (And by the way, the russian border is not that bad anymore..... unless you purposefully start picturing military objects)


    I am from Amsterdam and visited both the Rijks and maritime museums after their renovations. Took lots of pictures as well. Uploaded them on msw. Search museum. My mother used to live in Amsterdam, but has moved to Heerhugowaard. I need a car for visiting her and staying with friends.


    I  know it's a lot of driving but this is the way we always do it in Europe. With a car we always see more. June in the north? More daylight, especially Iceland, can't wait. I remember when my dad worked in Helsinki and I would go on vacation in June. I would see the sun go down in the west and come up in the east all at the same time.


    One last thing about driving. Where we live in the US, distances are minimal. Big country. Want to go somewhere? Expect to drive between an hour or two. The Midwest is vast. Chicago is an hour drive from my house, without traffic.



  2. 11 hours ago, cog said:

    That's the problem with overclocking ... You have better weather than we do, for we are having nightfrost every day! Still ... no time at all for the Utrecht ? What a pitty ... we'll just have to sit it out ...

    I felt guilty. So today was cloudy and colder. Worked on the POF and glued it all together. Made template from the deck to see if the boat is  correct in length, and it is. The POB is the correct length as well. Pictures will follow. 


    I find scratch building tough. There is a lot of guess work especially the details such as the deck items. Some of the plans are two dimensional. I have been looking at other books on flat bottom boats and it does help. 


    I am writing this from my phone and sitting next to the BBQ where I have a leg of lamb on the rotisserie. Smells good. 


    Three weeks in June my wife and I will be going to Europe. Chicago to Iceland (nice viking museum). Iceland to Amsterdam. Rent car. Drive to Hamburg to FLensburg to Copenhagen (another viking museum). Copenhagen to Oslo on ferry. Oslo to Stockholm (wasa museum). Stockholm to Turku-Finland. Helsinki to orvo

  3. As mentioned before I am doing both a POB and a POF.  I find that a POB is easier than a POF.  Less frames to line up.  I have been looking at another Jacht and the lines from the Utrecht are similar, so I will turn the POB in that one.  Different carvings. 


    POB frames in a jig.AA-Frames POB 001_resize.JPG

    AA-Frames POB 004_resize.JPG

    AA-Frames POB 007_resize.JPG

    AA-Frames POB 009_resize.JPG

    Template for the bow.  I plan to use a block of basswood, which will be shaped according to size. 

    AA-Frames POB 011_resize.JPG

    AA-Frames POB 013_resize.JPG

    AA-Frames POB 015_resize.JPG

  4. There are many Dutch books on VOC (Dutch East Indies Co.) history that have diaries of sailors and ship captains of day to day events such as explorations and shipwrecks.

    I know most of the members do not read Dutch.  Some books have been translated in English and in German.


    Batavia by Peter Fitzsimons is a very thorough historical event of the shipwreck on the Australian Coast.

    There is a very good book about the events of the HMS Bounty by a female author. (best book I have read about the Bounty)

    Several Dutch and English books have been written about Abel Tasman and Willem Barentsz.

    Last but not least much has been written about the VOC in books, PhD thesis's and just general long detailed articles.


    Most of these reads are on various websites and free for downloading. I know that the above is specific towards Dutch history and not everyone is interested in that.





  5. Today I have started Version 3 and it looks so much better (but then I had lots of practice with v.1 and v.2).  Frames have been cut and half the boat frames have been glued together and they are in a large clamp.  I obsessed with exactness of the fames but will no longer that as once I have all the frames glued together and all the sanding is done it will look good.  Pictures will follow.


  6. Here is part 2 of Carving from The German Nautical Journal, 'Das Logbuch'.  The subject is a female and male figure.

    Again, worth a look. Be forewarned there are pictures of anatomically correct male and female drawings. (I hope no one will be offended).

    If you want the translation you can always use the translation add-on in Firefox and Chrome.





  7. The Catboat is completed and waiting to be shipped to Prince Edward Island.  Enjoyed building this kit. 


    Next I will decide to either continue the Utrecht or build me a garden windmill.


    Thank for all the constructive suggestions everyone gave me in building this kit and thanks for watching.

    (Upon leaving the workshop, please put the chairs back and clean up after yourself)



    Catboat Completed 01.JPG

    Catboat Completed 15.JPG

    Catboat Completed 14.JPG

    Catboat Completed 13.JPG

    Catboat Completed 12.JPG

    Catboat Completed 11.JPG

    Catboat Completed 10.JPG

    Catboat Completed 09.JPG

    Catboat Completed 08.JPG

    Catboat Completed 07.JPG

    Catboat Completed 06.JPG

    Catboat Completed 05.JPG

    Catboat Completed 04.JPG

    Catboat Completed 02.JPG

    Catboat Completed 03.JPG

    Catboat Completed 16.JPG

    Catboat Completed 17.JPG

    Catboat Completed 18.JPG

  8. Michael and Carl, thank you for the suggestions. I need to hunt down the email I once got with the original font for the name and will compare it to the above.


    I haven't even finished the Catboat and I am already cutting out frames for the Utrecht and I did it outside. 60 degrees F????? on February 14th?????? What is going on????? Global warming?????


    I know the East coast is getting nuked but here it is nice and balmy.



  9. Its all looking very good Marcus, Might I suggest that the lettering be done in a bit softer font. The style of the cat boat seems to want a more rounded type of script for the name. Just my nickles worth, you know what you are doing and it is your boat.



    So what font type do you suggest? Have not started the decal yet, so I am interested in your thoughts.



  10. Piet,

    It is not so difficult to draw up plans for a windmill. Just make it tall enough so the wieken (I don't know the English word for this) do not touch the ground. Numerous examples on the NET as well.



    Thanks, Russ.  I am going to finish up the boat by this week so I will do a Burgee and a decal.  Jack and Popeye have been very helpful in the suggestions for decals



  11. Jack,

    Thank you very much for the information.

    So, it looks like I need more items to do the one decal?

    The stuff I got from DecalGear is not enough?


    Adding decals is presently an art with add-ons. In the old days it was luke warm water, place decal and I used hairspray as bonder and cover. (I know I sound like an old man).


    I found the website from Microscale and will probably order the 4 items Jack mentions. Then I should be set, I hope.


  12. Good Morning.

    I have several questions:


    1. - My brother-in-law mentions in an email that the name board with the word 'perseverance' goes on the 'aft combing'.

    I am assuming in the picture below where I have the word Perseverance, is the aft combing.

    Is this correct?






    Question for Jack and Popeye.

    2. - I got the Decal-Gear (CD, decal paper & Bounder) in my possession and I have the following question.


    Will the decal adhere to painted wood?

    Will the decal adhere to a thin sheet of wood veneer?


    My plan is to create a name board from 1/64 Baltic Birch ply-wood and put the decal on that with the bonding material.


    I appreciate everyone's input.



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