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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. FM, thank you for answering. I assume it's a solid hull? The paint though worn doesn't appear to be flaking which speaks to the love and care it's received all these years. This is an exciting adventure of research and restoration, thank you for letting us share in the adventure.
  2. Richard, you're in. That makes six for the trip to Keith's house so far, anyone else?
  3. Michael, we're taking the Magic Bus. It'll cross the Atlantic with ease and because it's the Magic Bus we'll all have our hair again and the girls will find us beautiful and charming.
  4. Wouldn't we all.........ROAD TRIP! Mark Taylor could be the designated driver as he's on the west coast, he could pick me up here in Michigan (I'd be more than happy to chip in for gas) then stop and pick up Gary and swing north to get druxey and Michael. RG, where do you fit in on the map? Wouldn't want to forget you since this was your idea. Keith, you may wanna warn the Missus.
  5. Bob, the Alfa kit for $380.00 is still on Facebook Marketplace.
  6. Nice sharp paint lines, your Glad Tidings is going to be a very nice model when completed. I like the looks of the single pedestal a lot.
  7. Welcome from Grass Lake, enjoy your stay!
  8. What a delight your work is, Keith. I'm never disappointed when I stop in to view one of your creations.
  9. Pat, the gun and carriages look like the real thing, very nicely done.
  10. In KeithAug's build log starting on page 34, post # 1020 and ending on page 37, post 1087, Keith deals with building skylights. While not exactly like your's his are close and a great examples. His build log is a tutorial on "how to" and well worth spending some time viewing.
  11. Are you able to share any of the model's history and can you provide a photo of the complete model?
  12. There's currently a Alfa Spider kit on Facebook Marketplace for $380.00 which is a good price compared to eBay which is crazy stupid.
  13. Eberhard, I know you dislike Poly applied over acrylic because of the overall gloss, correct? Other than the sheen aspect, what would be the harm in applying Poly over acrylic paint? I have applied Poly over painted surfaces for years, numerous projects including modeling and I've yet to encounter a bad side effect. I'm not sure this isn't a case of "we agree to disagree."
  14. Great job, Kevin. I can feel the engine vibrations and smell the mixed odors of ocean, fish, bleach, and wet gear.
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