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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Gary and Steven, thank you for the comments and to all for the likes. Being that it's difficult if not impossible to attribute this model to any particular ship, I've given it the name Amelia. This in honor of my recently deceased 17 year old cat whom I had the great pleasure to spend almost a quarter of my life with, she was my 2003 Christmas present.
  2. I would hope not. Far North Texas........Denison, Sherman, Gainesville? My son was born in Sherman, at the time we were living in Tioga.
  3. Siggi, Leo is beautiful and amazing. I'm spellbound.
  4. Thanks, Mark. I just needed that little push to move me off the fence. The repaired anchors are hung and this completes all the repairs I'll be doing on my restoration of the model, on to rigging.
  5. Gary, your ability to cram that much detail into that small amount of space is amazing. And for it to also be realistic and beautiful at the same time makes it even that much more amazing.
  6. Gary and Steven thank you for the compliments and thank you to everyone for the likes. The stern lanter is made, installed, and painted. I'm pretty happy with the color combination and the color match. I went with a straight pole from the cabin roof to the lantern, to me it looked more realistic. I didn't want to get too fancy and wind up with something that looked like a 17th/18th century stern lantern so I tried keeping it simple and in keeping with the time period and overall appearance of the model. The jury is still out on the lantern's shape. 🤔
  7. Keith, it's always a pleasure to see an update of your beautiful work. Your explanation of how you got from point A to B is always informative and instructive.
  8. BB, that's a very nice looking boat. You set a fast pace, in just a couple of weeks you're almost done, that's amazing. Look forward to seeing her rigged for action.
  9. Helge, the size difference is noticeable, more noticeable than I thought it would be. You need to try coming up with the correct 1:48 scale wheel either by purchasing one or repairing the broken one.
  10. I don't think the scale police will be knocking at your door if you use the 1:64 scale wheel. Pictures would help if you can provide.
  11. Paul, nice to hear from you. A lovely bit of writing about the model and your family history. Don't be a stranger, please drop by every now and then. Better yet, start another project!
  12. Steven, thank you for your comments, it's very much appreciated and a thank you to all for the likes. I've reached a decision on lantern style, I'll go with something like the attached. I don't think this model was made by the same manufacturer but i think it's close to what would have originally been there. I first need to repair the vertical tear out.
  13. Phil, the hull is really amazing considering that bit of nonsense you started with. Hats off!
  14. BB, thank you for the compliment, your thoughts, and insight. That's a dimple in the hull as result from battle with Father Time. I was aware of possibly two others, the Mayflower and the Santa Maria. The model that Cast Your Anchor Hobbies restored is new to me, thank you for bringing it to my attention. Do you have a photo of the fifth you're able to share?
  15. On the stern castle the cabin has a vertical tear at the rear. I think that once upon a time that's where a lantern was installed. That's my next task, research period lanterns and replicate.
  16. Mark, thank you for the comment and the likes. As far as I can tell this model is held together almost entirely with nails. When the hull is thumped it rings hollow, it is not a solid hull. I'd love to know how the internal structure is constructed. Hopefully someday I'll come across one of these that's a total wreck and dirt cheap where I can tear it apart to satisfy my curiosity. The decks are grooved to look like planks.
  17. The anchors of the Great Harry that COS is restoring are lead, these are wood. Also there is a difference in the tops and on this model they're flat, the GH is bowl shaped. On one of anchors, one of the flukes was broken off and lost to time. The other anchor, one of the flukes edges were broken off. Carved replacement pieces, attached, and painted to match. This is only place where I have added paint. I've found that in restoring adding paint is a slippery slope. In the past when restoring a piece I'll say to myself, I'll just touch this up a bit and before I know it, I've repainted the whole piece. Not this time.
  18. The heraldic shields, sails, and flags. There are two shields with a standing lion and the main mast flag is a standing lion. Several countries used standing lions but as these were painted free hand you can't tell whose. I don't think I'll be able to save the sails and flags.
  19. The first task was to remove all the rigging and a thorough cleaning with paint thinner. I know using paint thinner is not an accepted practice but I've used PT to clean countless pieces of furniture and a few models. It's not aggressive and evaporates readily. I tried ten minutes worth of spit and Q-Tips but I'm 73, I don't have that much spit and time left to me. Once cleaned I gave it two coats of satin polyurethane. Even satin is too glossy, before rigging I need to tone down the gloss. The model had been rigged at least once since new. The only blocks on the model are the single hole deadeyes. There may have been blocks once upon a time and left off when rigged the second/third time. I think I see blocks on the Great Harry as presented to SCO for restoration. When it comes time to rig I'll need to make a decision about blocks. There are no eyes, only tacks on the cap rails to attach lines to. I've added no paint or taken any away. If it has a blob or over paint, I've left it. If the paint is wore or gone, so be it.
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