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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. Hi Mark So is this a modified MS keel or did you make a new one to your own design on the Death Star? I somehow think it is the latter as it looks much nicer somehow than the MS kits I have.
  2. On the description page it refers to the ship as the 'Crown'
  3. The reason I asked was that most ships used in escort duty in WWII ended up with Massive racks of depth charges on the stern and little else. Mine sweeping was not often considered as part of their job and they didn't bother carrying equipment for it. In WWI it was different in that there were so many mines places all over the Atlantic ocean that you almost couldn't get anywhere without running into a mine field that had been planted by one side or another. It would be interesting to see if pictures taken in the mid war or late war supported this or not.
  4. RGL That stern is possibly the busiest section of deck I have ever seen in any ship, let alone one this small, (In real life) Compared with an American 310' Four stacker it is standing room only. I can't see that it was a happy place in anything but perfect weather! Did they retain the dual role of mine sweeping and depth charges into the war?
  5. When I was in my airplane stage full time they had not even invented PE yet! I mostly liked the Monogram plane selections. I had to learn how to do all my instrumentation by hand! The only aircraft kit I have presently that fits the PE/resin criteria is the Sword Sikorski JRS-1 I have a single sheet of PE and a blister pack of resin parts from CMK. Mostly interior parts that will never be seen when the plane is built. It is part of my Pan Am Clipper/ flying boat era of interest. The others are the Boeing 314 and Martin P6M SeaMaster without PE.
  6. Carl And RGL You guys make it sound like you go out and buy PE sets and then go looking for a model to fit!
  7. Hi Denis You need to remember that this model was sold as just that, a mantle boat. It appears that that is what this company makes. With what you have done, and are doing is creating a MUCH more realistic model than would have ever been possible straight out of the kit.
  8. Piet I must say that a $30,000 + month in extras is a little more than just extracurricular activities! Good luck on the cars. I was just mentioning the idea of cotton to you. I did not know if it would be better or not. What you have done already is pretty impressive to me.
  9. Quite the picture and obviously a happy time. Congratulations for 45 years. I don't even think I even have a picture that old! Do you still have the plane too?
  10. Been there, done that............. more than once! I never learned. At least when you got there the carriages were in stock as well so you at least got what you went there for in the first place as well as the extra kit. Makes it a little easier to justify.
  11. Piet I think the water is FANTASTIC from all views. Job well done in my opinion. The smoke from the stacks and guns as you have already stated looks a little grainy and dense in your close up shots but you have said that you have already thinned that out some since you took the pictures. It will be interesting to see how the new version turned out. Did you consider or try using cotton balls or pads for the smoke? I have no idea if it would look better just throwing it out there as a question. Can't wait until the next pictures.
  12. Hi Mark With four of five restarts I'm not certain that hitting the 'like' button is a good thing or not. No way to tell for certain without pictures of course, but I suspect your do overs are probably better than my finished parts!. Can't wait to see the results of what is finally "Good enough."
  13. I have used the UV cure glue for my kids plastic glasses frame. They broke on the frame that goes around the lens It only took a small amount making for an almost invisible repair and held fine for the rest of the year until he got new glasses. It is the ONLY kind of glue that I have found that works on that kind of plastic for some reason. Kind of expensive but in most cases you use very little at a time.
  14. Great work as always Greg I can't tell if that last picture is a building yard, a scrap yard, or a diorama of a ship wreck on the bottom of the ocean! Honey Mustard Chicken sounds good, almost midnight here though!
  15. I think if I wanted to get needles all I would need to do would be go to some of the hangouts around town and pick up after the street people. They are constantly showing pictures on the news where people are cleaning up parks in the area and coming up with buckets of needles! I may look into it though it looks like it may offer another alternative to glue out of the bottle.
  16. Dave I LOVE that dispenser! Only seems like it is available in Australia though. I do the same thing with the bottles I buy but this seems kike it would work so much easier.
  17. Ken Not quite, just chainmail, Haven't done too much damage lately, even though I have done some doozies in the past and have the scars and pictures to prove it. I was MUCH worse in my knife making days. Not in any great hurry and I do have fun most of the time. I think it may be a subconscious need to appease the hobby Gods with a little blood now and then.
  18. I have so much finesse and coordination that ANYTHING sharp in my vicinity is not only a risk but probably an outright danger to anyone in the area. I use a stretched out safety pin. If it gets stuck I just yank it out with a pair of needle nose pliers and ram it in and out a few times until it is completely free. There seems to be no really good answers for the stuff, as what seems to work when you are using it daily for some parts of a build are a complete failure when you are almost never using it on another area/time of the build. It has always seemed to me that for many modelers CA is a kind of Love/Hate relationship at the best of times.
  19. I think you covered it in your first word, "Whimp" Visor? What visor? Well to be honest one of the other guys on the forum sent me a visor that he wasn't going to use and I got it in the mail on Thursday. Itook a look at it and I suspect you may be right. It does make the stuff look like your pictures. Now I will probably develop a hunched back from having to work so close to the end of the visor where the focal distance seems to be. Have to beg off on joining this build I'm afraid. I am very much a THIS SHIP draws me kind of modeler and right now I am drawn to the Providence. Then I have my promise to keep on the Titanic, (The Admiral has a very long memory when it comes to promises made to her, not so much for promises made to me). For a personal build of this type I always thought the old Revell 1/232 scale Olympia or the Glencoe Oregon would make nice PE models and could be done in a number of color choices depending on the time chosen. Squardron had a nice re-release of the Olympia and still lists it in their catalog, but it is forever on (In stock soon) status. The Oregon is pretty much strictly an eBay item but Gold Metal Models supplies PE for both, and brass gun barrels are available on eBay for the Oregon. Another problem though is that by the time you gather everything needed, the total cost gets pretty high! I will just have to continue hanging out in the belfry and try to learn what I can until my turn comes and I need to open THE BOX! Thanks for the invite though.
  20. You might try rinsing then out with alcohol or even water and making sure they are dry before using them again. I don't really know as I have never done this method before. I mostly just use a needle stuck in the tip to keep the tip open and don't even use the cap after a while. I only buy the small bottles and only buy from my local hobby store as they have a higher turnover and the glue seems to be fresher than when you buy it on line or at hardware stores. Seems to help if you keep it in the refrigerator as well. Still can't really vouch for use on rigging but Mark is MUCH more experienced than I am so might be the better voice to follow on that part.
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