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Paul Jarman

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Everything posted by Paul Jarman

  1. Welcome to MSW Paul from another Paul. Paul
  2. Welcome to MSW Alexander. Paul
  3. Welcome to MSW Andre, Paul
  4. Hi Paul, Welcome to MSW from another Paul. Looking forward to your build log. Paul
  5. WOW is an understatement for this monster. Will be following your build with interest. What do you reckon a couple of weeks? When you paint, will it be pink or the IMO correct scheme of yellow? Looking forward to the start of your build. Good Luck, Paul
  6. Welcome to MSW very nice model. Paul
  7. Good morning Michael, Welcome to MSW, Good Luck with your rigging. As you can tell from replies to your post you have chosen a brilliant forum to join. It would be good to see some pictures of your work. For your next model you might want to start a build log. Enjoy this wonderful hobby and making lots of friends from every corner of the world on this forum. Paul
  8. Welcome to MSW, Look forward to seeing you starting a build log. Paul
  9. SorryI Can't help but someone will I am sure. Are the sheets of plans not to scale? And you can take the measurements from them. This is how I get the measurements for my builds. Paul
  10. I personaly use primer. I use straight forward sanding sealer if I need to. I Would not prime or seal where the plates are glued on as bare wood will allow the copper to adhere better. This also goes for any areas wherePE will be atached. Paul
  11. Work is progressing well. There are a few mistakes to the model. The spiral staircase did not fit too well, but is mostly hidden so not too bothered. I measured the distance of the posts using the rails. This worked fine, but when I glued them all in place I was out by just 1mm or so. This of course meant that the posts are not a perfect fit by the third deck. Also I glued the top and bottom stiffeners that hold the rails incorrectly. I have put them width up on the second deck by mistake. this has been corrected on the third deck. I was left with a choice of stripping the whole lot down and starting again or excepting that it is wrong. As it does not really show that much I can live with it and will keep as is. Paul
  12. Welcome to MSW JC, I was thinking the same with regards to th nails. They do pull you in and you miss the great job you have done on the hull. Keep up the Good work. Paul
  13. Welcome to MSW Martin, Paul
  14. Welcome to Model ship world. Paul
  15. Welcome to the wonderful world of wooden ship building Paul. Good job for your first wooden model. Look forward to seeing your build. Paul. That's me Paul not you Paul, be safe Paul. This getting confusing Paul.LOL LOL
  16. finally I have a new PC. spent most of this morning reinstalling all the protections and getting it set up. unfortunately my camera connection is broke so can't download the pics I have on the card. will have to buy a card reader. below are what pictures I had on the mobile. cheap phone so quality is not great. I don't like to see bare wood, so I am painting the model. Looking on the web at these boats most where painted all white. But some had some nice colour schemes. the windows are a bit bright but I like them. Building the spiral staircases at present. Paul.
  17. Great job Clare, I have thought about a change of pace from wood to card. Seeing your build log has inspired me to think harder. The details are top class and you are doing an excellent job. Will be following your build. Paul
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