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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Jesse Nice to see you back again posting. Like Dave said hang in there my friend. Denis.
  2. Mark is correct, if you can save your sanding dust and do what Mark said you will be Ok. If you did not save the dust, just get some off cuts from the planking you used, hold the plank over a bowl and sand it down the dust will just fall into the bowl. Hope that helps you. Denis.
  3. Hi Denis What can I say but what Patrick said above but 5 times over WOW. Denis.
  4. Hi Max Just looking the part, very nice build, I agree with Elijah nice colour. Denis.
  5. Hi Carl As the front row is taken up can I sit on the floor I promise to be quite, and will not slurp on my drink. Denis.
  6. Hi my friend I did not want this log to turn into a dog caring log so I am so sorry. My wife and I have seen people back in the UK and in NZ fall in love with big hairy dogs and think they want one. The only thing is what they don't understand is how many hours a day week after week it takes them to get the coat of the dogs up to what it is when they see it. After a year or so the UK OES club had to rescued so many dogs you would not believe, when they asked the owners why are they giving up on the dog they said it is to much like hard work. That is why I had to give you some warnings at the end of my message, after all dogs feel pain also but they don't show it. I am very pleased that you have done some reading on the bread. I am also pleased she will live in your house. Give her the love and attention she needs and she will give it back 100% more. Again sorry to hi-jack your log but dogs are so important in our lives. Denis.
  7. Hi John I am not sure what you are talking about re side of house. I take it you are talking about the Helmsman's canopy ?????. Denis.
  8. Hi Nenad Nice OES (Bob tail). Captain Steve is correct clapping your hands will make her stop then lead her out side then when she has done what she wants to do tell her she is a good girl. Dogs have a short attention span, if you tell her off after she has done her thing in the wrong place she will not know why you are telling her off. As for rubbing her nose in it that is a load of rubbish. If I was you I would start to brush her coat once a day just for 2-3 min this will get her use to the brush. When she gets older she will grow an undercoat, only comb that once every 2 months or so, the top coat will need combing and brushing every other day and that will take you hours to do. If you don't brush her coat out you will be in big trouble later, knots start to form on the top coat and trying to get them out is very hard and painful for the dog. If you think you cannot spend time with this sort of dog then you have the wrong dog for you, they are a lot of hard work. I had 3 OES dogs so I think I know a thing or two about them. Denis.
  9. Hi OC and Cog Thank you both for your help. Happy Christmas to you both and your family's. Denis.
  10. Sorry mate I did not intend to turn this log into a camera club. ^_^ But I do hope father Christmas brings you a new camera also so you can join the club :) :D :o . Happy Christmas to you and your family. Denis.
  11. Hi OC Nice camera. I have just purchased a new one myself, Canon 7D Mark ii with a EF 100mm f2.8 L Macro IS USM lens. The only thing is cannot download the photos to my computer, it will start but then it stops about half way through, and that is using the Canon software that came with it.. The comp has 8gb ram and still got 680gb space left on the hard drive. Denis.
  12. Hi Andrew Welcome to MSW. Very nice build so far, your father must be very proud of you. Denis.
  13. Hi Kurt I stopped my build of the Revenge as I have had to re paint my house, now we are getting ready to move in the new year. Hope to start again when everything has been sorted out in the new house. Denis.
  14. Hi Like Brian I have the Byrnes thickness sander, table saw and disc sander. I would not consider any other make after using them. Denis.
  15. Hi Soap and water will not clean spirit based stains or paint by its self, you will have to wash the brush in mineral turps first then soap and water. What happens is the turps breaks down the spirit stain or paint and the soap breaks down the turps, wash the brush in clean water, dry it off with a paper towel then put a small amount of soap on and run it through your fingers to keep the shape, let it dry. When you wish to use it again just wash it in water and dry it off with a paper towel. I always have two sets, one for spirit paints and stains and another set for water based paints. Denis.
  16. Hi Vince Nice rigging on the cannons. Did you pre measure each rope for every cannon or just do them by eye one by one. Denis.
  17. Hi Pat Wow this is going to be some build. Can I tag along please. Denis.
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