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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. If the plans for the kit has line drawings, find the body plan.


    Otherwise find the part of the plan that has the bulkheads.


    Pick out whichever bulkheads that you want to place the cradles for your stand at, trace the to them waterline.


    That is the inside of your cradle.  


    Next, draw out the outer side of your cradle.  


    Reflect the entire thing over the centerline.


    That’s how I did mine.


    It sounds a lot more complicated than it actually is.


    See post 64 of Prince de Neufchatel by GrandpaPhil in the scratch build section.



  2. Thank you all very much for the comments and the likes!


     The fore top gallant sail is on and rigged.


     I did much better on the bowlines and the bunt line.


    That leaves two royals, the main sail and the top main staysail plus the stun sails.


     The stun sails will be the last sails to be installed due to the necessity of being able to belay lines around them.






  3. The learning process continues.  This is my favorite part of this hobby.


    I understand much more about how the ship operates than I did before.


    I keep discovering more blocks that I didn’t realize that I needed.  I’m glad that I made the extra 100.


    I just made the extra spars for the top of the studding sails.


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