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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. I used a fret/jeweller's saw as it is only 1/16. It only took about 15 minutes, and I only made one mistake 😉
  2. Looking nice Eric, your foray into making mouldings is the pull of the dark side😄 As Tim has said a double plank model is a bit more forgiving . Keep up the good work.
  3. Impressive looking model, Phil, it's come a long way from the cardboard you started with, great work!
  4. Even nattier with the chrome details Craig, great job!
  5. Thanks Eric, it helped immensely with plank butt placement😉 Thank you Henrik 🙂
  6. Neat idea Patrick, is that just basic ready mix Polyfilla? Great work on the scratch elements 😁
  7. I reckon Lou has got it, although I would use an awl or pin so there wouldn't be any chance of slicing to deep.
  8. Thank you Derek, if you have seen the laser cut ladders Chuck has done for Winchelsea and also Chris Wattons pear ladders, they totally made me want to try and recreate a slimmer one. The filing of the stringers tested me though, too deep and they just fold up when fitting the treads🤨😬
  9. So, spent a few hours this week wrestling with the leaner ladder, after three failed versions finally made one of sufficient quality to use. Instead of two pieces of 1mm wood glued together the stringers are 1 piece. I think it is more to scale than my other ladder. the photos above show the difference, granted it's not a lot, but I am happier with the slimmer version, also it's wider. As can be seen deck fittings are in the process of being painted, and the glazing in the skylight windows is done, just waiting for the glue to dry (photo next time. I'm waiting on an order from CMB of brass rod and wire, then I will be doing more to the top rail. Thanks for looking in and hitting the button. Cheers 😉
  10. It's turned out to be a natty little motor car Craig, the gloss finish looks fabulous and the white wall tyres make a great contrast.
  11. It's not the obscene priced bottle Jack 🤪 but the one for about £35 I would be loathe to open one costing over £400😬 And to correct myself, it's 10yr not 12, I've had it for over 2 years though, does that count?😁 I got it from the distillery on Skye when I had a holiday there.
  12. Try a crocodile clamp taped to a dowel, keeps your fingers out the way🙂
  13. Close your eyes and pick😉 surprise us! If you're feeling adventurous, dig to the back of your stash.
  14. I'll have a look Jack, I do have a 12yr single Tallisker malt that I've not got round to opening yet OC I've used a lazy Susan turntable thingy with a homemade sprue cradle when I primer sprayed models years ago.
  15. Setting up the snack bar now, I'm in! I think Baring has already sent his requisition chit for this😁
  16. welcome to MSW
  17. Nice, I like the colour scheme, l didn't notice the missing decal either, looks good 🙂
  18. Head gardener as well as master mason😉 Superb landscaping and the veg plot is great.
  19. I can't add anything that's not already been said, 😲 superb!!
  20. Looking ready for the fight OC, make sure they've got their full 60 rounds quota! you know what they're like, sell anything for a drink 😉
  21. I've started fairing the inside of mine, using a cordless with a 25mm diameter sanding drum to take off the meat and finishing with some flexible sanding sticks. It's taking a long time as having to do it outside I've got to wait for dry days. I think if you have a Dremel or similar with the flexible attachment it would work better than just the drill. Hope you find a suitable method. Your Winnie looks very nice so far!
  22. Thankyou Ron, reading through what you have done so far I'm sure you'll do fine with planking Winnie.
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