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Everything posted by cog

  1. Kees, Glad you didn't get sick, but are in fact better than before. All the best with your job hunt. I'm certain it will work out! See you soon at the model bench Cheers
  2. With reference to Michael's post: If you want to be more careful ... a Japanese Dozuki, fine teethed saw could solve the problem
  3. Stunning details Greg. You can't say your launch pad hasn't been fortified.
  4. So you've been busy building something else entirely ... !!! Gefeliciteerd/congratulations Shoos. Glad it's planned. It might be advisable to take the glues you want to use on your build with you to show. It makes it easier for the one judging to judge them properly
  5. "By contrast the German battleships are usually equipped with a much taller hull and lower superstructures." Ever compared the Yamato class with their German counter parts ... e.g. Bismarck ...
  6. Nice work on the parts, looks good, very clean details. Waiting with anticipation on final installation ...
  7. They neither had a lot of mines in the 18th century ... Marvelous details. I especially like your setup of heavy metal to keep a piece of paper into shape!
  8. "it's a kit all by itself" it certainly looks that way. I first thought you converted to Shintoism and started on your temple ...
  9. Beautiful Johann ... it is a marvell to see the fruits of your work take shape in such a wonderful way
  10. I'm so sorry to be missing his support, advice, but most of all his presence. For me he has been one of the people whom make MSW a home from home... I hope he didn't suffer, and wish his family and friends lots of strength to cope with this great loss ... I will remember him as a dear friend
  11. Jan, If he leaves them stacked, it certainly will, he forgot to glue them! Hope he has a post-it fitted to his airbrush to remind him of it
  12. So you want to say, Yamato was a piece of cake compared to Ise! You are funny mate. When I look what I forgot and still have to add to musashi ... ise must be in your experience the pits PE-wise ... maybe I should buy that kit too, and have a PE-orgasm!
  13. Interesting choice Clare-san. You should know as no one else at MSW that Japanese don't use drawings as used in western building, and therefore drawings are most certainly inadequate, but for Douglas Brooks' drawings. I wonder, however, if he would have a drawing for this boat!!! I'll be following with more than a casual interest. Cheers
  14. NIce Greg, strange Tamiya didn't use this construction on their kits. I would have liked that
  15. Got lost mate ...? Thought you to be on holiday ... got a few spare hours to pester us Nice rigging though
  16. Hello Mike, good to see you back at the forum. Have had I good holiday?
  17. To small on kindle for me to be able to read it, must be getting real old. Got it for ten quid at amazon.co.uk, but you're right a lot of after market information for both type of ships. The service history is interesting on the Ise as she's been refitted and "reshaped"
  18. Nice work, do you have the Japanese battleships Fuso and Ise (Ship Craft series by Robert Brown ISBN 978-1-4738-8337-6) Which has some useful information, also on the rigging Cheers
  19. Thought them to be way bigger Dan. Now the detail is even more astonishing. What's the gauge on the wire for the barrels
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