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Everything posted by cog

  1. A good start on the boat. Soon you can do them with your eyes closed, Nenad. Roof ... don't remind me, I replaced the tiles and lattice on my roof two or three years ago, I blocked the memory!! If you go to your friends cottage, enjoy your time there.
  2. No worries about the manufacturer, just curious, marvelous find, at the right spot on the right time!
  3. You picked up your game quite well, Pat. Nice cleats. Where did you find that bulbous headed nail?
  4. "great strategy on the Japanese side" ... Being a feudal empire, that's one thing you should expect, although, considering their conquering moves, it might have been better if the Europeans had left them on their island fighting amongst themselves and just sailed by ... on the other hand, we wouldn't be building these impressive ships(!)
  5. Happy birthday Kees. Did you get a new set of plans for another one of your lovely builds ??
  6. Mr Bunny, You are at the top of my to like list, but unfortunately I can't like it yet. It's a big sucker you working on! Looking forward to updates
  7. Courageous 'arry, I'll look forward to what you will dish us up. Any pictures on the destruction of the deck furnishings? Nice to compare with your future build up. Cheers
  8. It does look the part, without the clutter around it, I would say it is the real thing. Very impressive Dick.
  9. I'm a fervent reader, paper that is, I cannot enjoy - for whatever undefined reason whatsoever - the digital publications, whether that be a book, newspaper, or a magazine. When I've held a book and read it, it's mine. Not just on the shelf, but also in my mind. I can read it fast or slow, but enjoy it either way. Digital publications I must drag myself through. I'm a programmer, and see the *** screen all day (unless I have to attend a meeting) if I do want to use a screen, privately, I must enjoy it, else I do not want to see it. I enjoy MSW, so I sit at my keyboard and in front of my screen. If I didn't have this, I wouldn't be using it, for the digital environment is starting to be very annoying. Since I do spend most of my working hours "enjoying" the digital environment, I have to take care, as Jack already mentioned, not to strain certain parts of my body. The latter wouldn't happen with a piece of paper, because you could take a comfortable position when reading. Nor does paper radiate, the latter does tire your eyes. I wonder what the effects will be in the long term on eyes which have been almost constantly forced to use digital media. Besides the nostalgic fact of loosing paper as information medium, there is another loss: Labour. Our digitising has cost a lot of labour, and not all the loss has been replaced by work opportunities in that digital society. The magazine (for me will always be a printed item) goes into a deep and dark wormhole, and with it goes a certain sentiment, and a lot of knowledge, which is unique to the print industry. Another loss for human kind IMO. There is one more thing to be careful of: Can you trust what you find on the internet!? A thing to consider: How long before we digitise ourselves into oblivion ...?
  10. When I realise what you did to get to this stage ... it looks so simple and clean. Magnificent Ed.
  11. You call that fast ... granpa in a wheelchair, although that implement would be easy to make a wheely
  12. Good to have you back Marcus. Glad you had a great holiday, missed you passing by on the A1 though. Looking forward to some posts!
  13. Very brave!!! When I look at your new stern part, I would have expected it to go round (bulbous) quicker. It stays hollow fairly long. My plastic kit starts round right away from the flat rear most part, which is inaccurate. You need not take a look at Greg's (RGL) Yamato, they have changed it to a rounded stern, which is, as we know now, incorrect. In the 2nd edition of AOTS it seems to me it goes quite fast to straight and flow into round. I presume you will need to get the putty out Chris, and do some sculpting
  14. Ah, well. You'll find out on the way. The first three you came up with rather quickly ... Instructions that make sense? Really!? Have you ever had those? I wouldn't want to be a novice working with PE on a battleship ... (oeps ... I am!!)
  15. A familiar sight ... removing plastic, and adding PE. A lot of decking to lay from what a saw in your PE set. A pitty the Pontos Detail Up is not available for this kit.
  16. It's in another forum topic, so not really strange you missed it
  17. I posed a similar question in the metalworking Forum here maybe the answers given will be of help
  18. "As the angle approaches zero, as it does with smaller spars, the diameters of the guide rods affect the accuracy." thought that could be the case. It is probably a matter of "how far are you willing to go" creating devices, and is it worth your while to build them. Thank you Ed.
  19. Have a nice (cool down) break Frank, I'm enjoying your build tremendously. Lovely work on the bowsprit!
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