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Everything posted by cog

  1. At least you can re-do-dely-dum-do-it. You know it is "getver, derrie" (yack, muck) I hope it will go smoothly from here on, Marcus. Not what we call a good beginning ...
  2. 3 lines it is ... now you need some orders to get them started
  3. Happy New Year, Nenad, to you and the family. Well done on the ship's boat.,You can start your production line
  4. Thanks Jack. However, it doesn't make it any easier ... I still dunno what those bluenose ringlets look like in that size in comparison to the birch one's ... not much to compare ...
  5. I'm a metric person, 5/16 doesn't mean a thing to me, show me what you want and I will tell you my thoughts on the subject
  6. You are a real PE-master. I know the sizes and how fragile these Pontos parts are for the Yamato (got a box full of more or less the same) and it is stunning to see how you manage to put them into shape ... astonishing!!! Best wishes, and a steady modeling hand for 2017 Cheers
  7. Wefalk, The only result I get from your videos are errors both on Quicktime and on VLC
  8. Black, very dark brown .. Oh, nearly forgot! A happy, healthy and prosperous new year to you an your family! Cheers I forgot another thingy ... You could erect a bit of a wall between frames at those sbdeck spots, and give that on the inside the same colour as the one you put on the frames ..
  9. You could paint the frames facing those "subdecks" dark. Most builders do as it looks more realistic if one looks down onto or at them ... just a thought
  10. Seems they sold you short ... Right, thinking in solutions: The poop deck: Don't worry, when you lay your deck planking you'll fill it up, and you won't see it any more. The stern filler. That's a different story. You might try to get something from the manufacturer by way of the reseller, but that could take a long time. Alternatively, you could get yourself a block of balse and shape it to fit. Just my two pennies
  11. Buying is not the problem, Greg. Choosing the one that will do the job for you ... compressor selected ...?
  12. Nice work on the caulking and tree nails, Rexy. A disadvantage of graphite is it gets smudges on your planks ... you could use a dark grey-ish fine tipped felt marker instead, I found that black was a bit to prominent Cheers
  13. Rexy, Starts to take the form of a ship. Concerning the deck planks: Depending on how true to scale you want to be you might find out the distance between deck beams on the Endeavour. That will define the length of your planks. You could use 10cm though To get rid of the deformation in the false keel, you could glue blocks of wood in between frames. What you did now will work as the hull will keep it into form Cheers
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