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Everything posted by cog

  1. Perhaps you should practise on some scrap metal, Michael. When I used to paint my white metal model cars, every time I had to do one I first tried to get the feel of the rattle can's paint using it on some object to find out how quickly it would start to run. Sometimes I was lucky finding the best way at the first try, usually it took me a few tries though ...
  2. NICE ... I have been looking forward to your return at the bench!! You have been sorely missed here.
  3. 7cm ... Then you'll have your work cut out for you! Good luck with the planking. That won't be easy, or will you be using a plug?
  4. Nicely done, Dennis. I would have expected standing sheave blocks on the deck, and the metal type at the foot of those beams ... Hope you feel better soon, i.e. good enough to work on your model ...
  5. Marvelous work, Russ. I see what you mean, but a model is a representation, and should be seen as such. It will never be possible to make an exact copy at the scale we are working at. Yes, most of us are our own worst critics, but why should it be easy ..., what's the challenge in that ...!?
  6. That is some major miniature work, Igor. The propeller is made from brass sheet, bent into form?
  7. Allan, Good to see you back at the workbench.I hope those chocks get slightly bigger the further you get ... that would make them a bit easier to handle ... looks promising though
  8. Mike, Tried to find something closer which I could read - my Swedish is real bad, if non-existing (if tld = 'se': '@#$%^&*{]*&^%^&' ) - but unfortunately they don't have an English site in Europe.
  9. Nice work William, very impressive. Short blade or a snap off blade ... straight or curved?
  10. Steve, I'm missing all those scars, fresh cuts, and band-aids from creating all those fabulous tiny deck fittings Sorry, Nenad, back to your log
  11. In contrary to EJ: To me it looks as if it doesn't belong, the unshingled roof. Like it isn't finished. If you could give the shingles a less uniform copper look it might make a difference, and the roof in between wouldn't look to much. What I mean is it looks to neat for a copper roofing, which in turn gives you the wrong impression.
  12. It starts to look like a ship's deck, Nenad. Very nice work on the companion way P.s. those giant fingers look really fake
  13. I have a quadruple backup for an encrypted file with passwords, it resides on all my systems and the odd external backup diskS. Depending on it's use, and if it is an internal or external password, I reuse an existing one or create a new one. The main problem is with the internet, that everywhere sites request (order) you to make an account, and you need another password. I've got nearly 300 registrations with a password ... It really does drive you nuts ...
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