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Everything posted by cog

  1. Michael, Do you need to make a threaded coupling? Will the pressure be that high, or could you do it by pressing a conical end in the other tube ...?
  2. Like those details on your ice cream maker (... selling cones???) That visor at the cabin's entrance at the rear ... hope you enlist short people ... or are you drafting the oldfashioned English way? About your B&W colour scheme ... great idea! All those bright colours used nowadays are so tiring to the eyes, besides retro is good Keep it up mate
  3. The ebony ... couldn't you use a longer plank. Like this you miss leverage to follow the strake. Furthermore, you cannot file/sand/cut it into line for the other side won't line-up. Nice chalenges again
  4. I've been reading your last updates. Looking good. Just one thing I came across a few times. You use CA to fix some parts of the rigging (like e.g. ratlines). As far as I learned and know CA will eventually deteriorate the threads, thus in time your rigging will break/fall apart at those spots. Usually white glue is applied (often diluted) Please correct me if I'm wrong
  5. Good solution. I could not see you painting awaytiny specks/dots on the hatches, at least not 146. Sometimes you need some time off to refresh your perspective. Looking forward to more updates
  6. Michael, RIght. Pressure should probably solve the issue (blessed ignorance on my side) You keep expanding my head's storrage - hope the internal fixed disk size will suffice ... Marvelous work again, with unexpected details
  7. Michael, A question comes to mind: Are your engine's cooling passages wide enough to let pass the required quantity of coolant? When I look at the scale of the engine and its visible coolant passages and the now 'discarded' coolant piping it does make me wonder if your new setup will work. Making pipes biger won't solve the issue when it slows down due to a funnel caused by the entry in the engine/cylinderhead
  8. Thumbscrews are on you might say. Do you really need that pressure ... You are making quite some headway without it
  9. Barrels look marvelous. Shouldn't there be something like a lashing to avoid them moving around ...?
  10. Yesssss, that grin should be enormous, and you should hear our applause from all over the globe ...
  11. And that is the warm and fuzzy feeling you get after such a well manufactured chuck. Great work
  12. Nice work on those pristine barrels ... hmmm pristine: a bit unused for the place you put them. I miss a bit of denting, some nicks and scratches ... maybe you should have your kitten play with them a while, and though it is certainly a health hazzard, don't lash them to get the authentic look. Stow them after the maiden voyage Love the decals, they do make a huge improvement over a plain barrel
  13. Lesson learned ... till the next time ... I know: been there, did it. Still, I couldn't do what you are doing right now, so keep it up
  14. Johann, Seeing the Gütermann thread makes me realise the scale you are working at. Great detail jet again
  15. Mark, Those senior moments do give you the maximum challenge, and enjoyment from your build!!!
  16. Michale, First of all: A healthyh and prosperous New Year. Superb job on the crankshaft bearings. I remember them from switching crankshaft on my 1972 Mini. I missed you making shell bearings for where the crankshafts is hold to the casing, or did you not?
  17. Michael, Again some marvelous work. I have the impression you make as much utilities to make or improve/adjust parts as you make parts themselves ...
  18. Ah Bob, Nice, I'm gonna enjoy another marvelous build from you!!! You're off to a good start
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