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Everything posted by cog

  1. Short movie. You could have sped a little less, you just made the fastest round in the WWII series over the DKM -GZ circuit. With enough pitstops along the way it gives a good impression of the work you have put into her ... a more than very credible representation of the ship in actual use. Weathering looks very good, details are marvelous. Can't find much fault with it ... but for the video Working on your plane truck-trike?
  2. Talking about miniature ... You might have better built this one at 1:200. Planes look smashing. Deck attributes as well. I can't really see that motorised vehicle. Is that nail art?
  3. Listened to it while working late. A lovely piece and well played
  4. Congratulations on your daughters wedding. Enjoy your new house. Despite the "limited" number of photographs, nice progress
  5. "too much" doesn't sound good. So, enjoy your piano play. A pitty I can't hear you perform!
  6. A lovely finish of your build, those are real stuning galleys. Very impressive. So what is that about you sticking to the piano from now on?
  7. Still working, even in the current heat! Very nicely done. You must be tired after dragging the galley around
  8. an "issue kit", nice, we haven't seen one like it before at MSW Cheers
  9. Gawd, now I keep 'earing that camera clause constantly, 'arry? Nice big scale. You must be able to add some lovely details
  10. Frank, You have done exactly that by sharing your build, and "hardships" during the build with all of us Cheers
  11. It's of no importance now, but you can store it for later use, if ever The black cables will make it come out definitely. Now it fades away slightly against the brass in the background. Lovely job on the derrick. Hope the ones I have to build will turn out just as good
  12. 'arry, Actually, what's the scale? Can't seem to find it in you posts, nor in the title. It looks like a hughe one Cheers
  13. You do not need to do it on every porthole, every scupper, etc. It should be random, as should be the "severity". As Lou wrote already, most capitol vessels were maintained quite good. Better to little than to much
  14. On the gloss ... there is nothing glossy about a working boat ... Nice image on the "caulking"
  15. Very nice mate. The parts even seem to be inline Have a grand weekend too
  16. Salt streaks aren't very noticeable I found whilst searching on the net. Only in some very severe cases. There isn't much diference between dark or light coloured hulls either. Places you will see it best are those where the water flows down the hull because of a breakwater, scuppers, transition from surrounded deck to an open deck (bulwark or not). On the image from Lou, there may be something which forces the water down aft
  17. The site's mention is just for CR purpose. I can get on it. Maybe some sites don't like US interference, as some US news sites don't want Europeans on theirs ...
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