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Everything posted by cog

  1. bring you salt streaks all the way from the deck level down, not merely below the waterline, it doesn't look real. Salt is left on the upper hull as it washes from the deck or scuppers, and when the water evaporates it becomes visible as a streak. It builds up during time and can take on a real stalactite type form. Have a look here (from https://www.straitstimes.com/) Not a fancy example, but couldn't find something quickly
  2. Is that all you broke? Try drilling 200+ portholes with 0.5 carbide drills. Good effort though. Love the way those jaws turned out with the leather.
  3. Steve, Nice progress, have you taken into account that sometimes you need to have a bit more weight on one side than on the other, due to the hull's "deformation"/not being equal on each side. Probably wise to number your jars according to their position. You can fill some up completely, and others you can partially fill to get the proper trim
  4. You keep promising photographs 'arry, turn the camera on mate
  5. Now it does have a ni e weathered look the deck ... but it may be there is a large difference between the image and reality
  6. A really lovely build Frank. Very crisp and clean, and lots of tips and tricks I picked up during the road to completion. Thanks for sharing
  7. Now I know where the hospital beds come from ... Very well done, hope the last one flushed the toilet!
  8. I wonder if they ever used naval colours at al Jason. German planes passed most of their time above land
  9. Thanks, Lou. I still have another one of these kits, probably make it a flotilla leader, which implies a lot of kit bashing ... First things first though. Did you hava a good holiday?
  10. And me thinking you were nearing completion! Great start Patrick, another of your interesting builds on the way. Oh, by the way, it makes perfect sence.
  11. Thank you Mark. Actually I do. Besides the V and G class I've build Now it's up to take up RGL's challenge ... next stop: Seydlitz
  12. Very well done. I really do like your display. In all a build which was fun, creative, and educational. Thanks for sharing
  13. AT this scale, colours should be lighter to make the objet look farther away, so actually your choice is quite good!
  14. Dennis, more like jumping jackies. Steve tell your daughter well done, that's not an easy feat, especially with the railings
  15. Thank you for the likes! Those are quite energising Thanks Mike. I got myself some enamels from AK which made life a lot easier on the weathering I am quite pleased with how the cam came out, Denis, still some points of improvement though ... what was that about critics ... No pressure at all, Pat. At least not yet. You first need to get all the parts before we turn on the thumbscrews Gotten rid of the jetlag? Back running around yet?
  16. Nothing beats a challenge HOF, sounds good to me, look forward to the pictures
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