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Everything posted by cog

  1. It looks real enough mate, just missing the crash trails ... or weren't crashes allowed on German carriers?
  2. Steve, It'll probably be the light or a reflexion. Take her outside and have another look. If it is still there, it is the paint. White paint can give a yellowish sheen, depending on the type of white used, e.g. cadmium white has that tendency. The "Smit Nederland" I built was weighted with lead slabs, the batteries were lead too and were good for most of the required ballast
  3. Gettin' old? You did a lot faster on Yamato! That's some serious PE on the masts, mate.. Must have been a real joy to bend and construct!
  4. did you make a hole in the keel of the life boats, so water which may accumulate in them can get out ...? Yes, I know, I am somewhat tardy (could be the age)
  5. A bit late, but you can only sparcely use the PE for the new tool. The wooden deck won't fir, turrents have changed considerably, but the barrels you can use as well as the blast bags. Lets put it this way: Everything which is part of the structural elements, deck, super structure, hanger, etc is not usable. All loose parts like barrels, AA guns (not all) are mostly usable. I base this on the Pontos PE for the new tool I got for Musashi instead of the PE for the old tool I needed. The PE for the new tool is very nice though ...
  6. Must have been an off day, mate ... it excludes you from being German as those usually are very thorough Those golf balls on their tees, ... range finders? If the ladders are the type you have to put the steps at the propper angle you really must have had a ball kicking them into shape
  7. Mark loves to paint the sky, he is just modest Jo, you've got the modelbuilder's attitude. You will get through, the first build is the hardest, it is often said. Well, lass, I find all my builds hard, and painting aint easy. Fortunately, I can spray layer upon layer, upon, layer, upon layer, until I changed the scale of my build to full size. As long as I learn something I don't mind. Try to find out what went wrong. When you pull off the paint with your masking tape, the adherence of your tape is to strong. Plastic builders often try to get a less sticky masking tape, or - this will sound odd - put the tape on their forhead, or on their trousers first before applying it to the build to diminish the initial strong stickiness, and hence, avoid pulling off the paint layer(s) I use several brands of masking tape, however, lately I am using the blue or purple "home and garden" painters tape, as those seem to be less sticky than e.g. Tamiya (I use the latter on bare plastic) Keep you spirits up, and go for it, I look forward to see the result of your renewed effort slàinte
  8. Interesting little tool. That is some very nice planking and finish on the deck
  9. Good to see you at the bench again, Mike. Great restart!
  10. If it should be outside for sailing, can't you bring it inside the shrouds for storing?
  11. A wee bit (very wee bit) a progress ... Image nr 1. Drill template for the torpedo netting's booms Image nr 2. Result after drilling. Used many 0.5 mm & a 0.8 mm drill bit Image nr 3. First PE, a lot to follow before I can even point at a primer can ...
  12. Looks like the wall of a POW camp ... don't lock yourself in. PER-SE-VE-RANCE. Well done!!!
  13. What is the advantage of glue penetrating the wood, whilst you want to bond two surfaces to one another. It is not that you need "inner bonding", and neither - at least to my knowledge - will the penetrated glue give additional strength to the bond, like e.g. tenons would. Please, correct me if I am wrong
  14. To me they looked higher. However, if the a chain link on it's side can get through, it's high enough. I like the grey, shouldn't use black on the windlass
  15. Very lucky on the small misalignment. The deck does indeed look very well. Follow the yellow brick road ...
  16. even without the oars she looks grand, Steven. You do her proud!
  17. shape some sides, to bring it up, and than cover it. The "V" is to sharp it could jam the chain ... If you make it higher as per Kevin's photograph, you will only need a vary shallow rounding, instead of the sharp "V" you are working with. I like those images Rcboater!
  18. Looking good, but what about the yellow streaks sloshing down at the stern?
  19. Prepping the hull. Drilled the holes for the torpedo net suppot beams, just the port side. Oddly enough, the starboard side is off scale by 2 mm(!) I've decided I've just got to live with it. Work is pestering me. Somehow the real important things in life get the least attention! Pictures will follow ... after I've taken them.
  20. Well you should know (he said as a typical male chauvinistic pig) You do not need to sand the varnish down, just a light rub will do to cover the part with green
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