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Everything posted by cog

  1. Why blackened paper. Don't they sell black paper near you? Looks quite nice
  2. Ruptured appendix is dangerous as the doc said. Glad to see you back amongst us. Take your time recovering!
  3. Looks promising, glad to see you back at the model Daria. Hope you've had a good summer holiday
  4. Nice bending jig. Caprails look very good, a wee bit of sanding when you are ready with it and a job well done, again!
  5. Nice bending jig. Caprails look very good, a wee bit of sanding when you are ready with it and a job well done, again!
  6. Nice bending jig. Caprails look very good, a wee bit of sanding when you are ready with it and a job well done, again!
  7. HOF, why the multistrand? Will it be visible in the end? Every wire will eventually sag ...
  8. What did you expect, when you are burning wood!? It will probably be the image, but A & B have the right side from the slot nearer the vertical line, and C & D the left, shouldn't the vertical line be in the middle? That way it seems both sides would have an equal size (maybe stil oversized, but at the proper location)
  9. Hang in there 'arry, you are doing rather well for what you have to work with ...
  10. No worries Jolene. Sometimes banter can be misinterpreted, especialy with a foreigner like me
  11. Marvelous detail, I like the way the anchor buoy turned out.
  12. Ah, she is a true believer! "We are our own worst critics (and judges)" Nevertheless what you have done thus far turned out pritty darn good
  13. I liked the whitish in the blue, it turned out very turqoisy. When I look at the last image, it can be lighter, it is very contrasting now.
  14. Mark, I strongly doubt it's her first build when you look at what is built! We just have to take the lady's word for it. Very well done, Jolene. The cap rail does look very good, especially with the curvatures being quite sharp. A little remark on the side: If you glue, it is better, but more specifically the bond will be stronger, if you glue on bare material (not painted). You could scrape of the paint for the other caprail, so your glue will be on the wood, instead of the paint. Keep it up, she is a very fine looking vessel
  15. When it rains ........ That's nasty mate. Much time left before "eviction"? No tenancy protection or something like that? Here you can only be sent packing when a judge ordains so. It is very hard to get a tenant sent of the premisses, privately owned or not. maybe worth your while to look into. Take care I looked into it quickly, but you can't be evicted without legal action either in the UK. You better get yourself informed on the matter at hand.
  16. Progress is good. However, the proof is in the pu ... picture. Show us ... please
  17. flip the wood Jolene, it doesn't need to be an exact copy of the curvature. Preshaping is to lessen the tension on the wood when bent. Glueing it to the hull bit by bit is one option, you can glue the entire caprail if you have enough clamps to fixate it to the hull, which is, actually, not much different than doing it piecemeal. Keep it up
  18. She turned out real spiffy, I like the way the rigging turned out on the masts and cranes, a lot of additional details too. A very informative build, thanks for sharing
  19. Helmsman is good, but you don't need one without the sails if you are missing another form of propulsion.
  20. I tend to use Larousse to get the meaning of certain words/expressions and translate the parts which I am not certain about, but then, I do speak a little French ...
  21. I like the vibrant colours, what kind of propulsion did you install, for the use of a helmsman
  22. "manutention" is according to the Larousse: Définitions Action de manipuler, de déplacer des marchandises en vue de l'emmagasinage, de l'expédition, de la vente ; local réservé à ces opérations. Vieux. Entrepôt de l'intendance militaire où était fabriqué, notamment, le pain pour la troupe. or in English Action of manipulating, the displacement of merchandise with regards to storage, transport, sales; set aside locally for these operations/actions Old use. Storage of the (militairy) quartermaster where, especially/specifically, the bread for the troops was made I tend to favour Druxey's version, Steven, but that has largely to do with the wine barrels. Embarcations means not only ship's boats, but more generally crafts, or boats of small size (even canoes and such)
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