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Everything posted by cog

  1. Very well done. You aren't doing so bad yourself on the weathering, Yves. Painting rust is always difficult. You can do chipping, or use rust powder which you add with a brush (dry or moistened) or a combination. Spraying it all will be near impossible to get what you want. You should als take into account how the rust forms. Good effort though
  2. You will probably glue the chain down to the deck. If so cut the last eye at an angle in half and glue the half to the respective "openings". It will look somewhat ... natural ... Your buffing turned out quite nice!
  3. The only thing missing from the flight deck down seems to be the water ... weathering turned out real good
  4. we'll be waitin' (impatiently) so no worries mate. We'll try to jot down some nice posts in other buildlogs for ya
  5. You've got the time, a leisurly pace would be nice ... on the other hand, you did see Victory, and other ships which I still have to visit!
  6. Yes, artillery, please don't start on that, still gives me headaches, and nightmares!
  7. You do not seem to have a problem aligning it. Rust colour over the primer, and chipping fluid on top of that, I presume. platforms look rather spiffy ... but for the final top coat, straight from the factory I might say
  8. Awards!?!?!? a prize! (a pair of cloggs no doubt ...) maybe this will help (slightly) (curtesy of navy.memorieshop.com) or have a look here and maybe this will help
  9. Those are hughe. Try them at 1/350, maybe that will eas your sight, and cramped fingers ... It is really odd you are missing stanchions, as normally such an omission wouldn't be made. Shouldn't there be a different part (maybe even plastic) which must be added in place of the stanchion?
  10. In all honesty, they looked like the old small children's trains with their short bodies and tall stacks and housing ... (yes I am that old)
  11. Walk in the park! Cabins look a bit high to me ... as if the centre of gravity is coming way up, and will make the boat instable. Are those really that high?
  12. I love those details, Patrick. Well done. THe shots taken trhough the ship look marvelous.
  13. You can scratch build it if you have a ladder and two railings leftovers from a previous build or from this one. The point is, the scratch build one doesn't look like the other one ...
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