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Everything posted by cog

  1. Go for it legodude, you've a nice kit to try your hand on wood. I'll be watching Steve for you
  2. What shade of white are you using? So far I have been enjoying your build tremendously
  3. ... a whole new level in soldering. Stunning piece of work, Frank
  4. I wonder, would they have used knees in building at that time? The drawings I've seen from different Italian vessels do not show that "technique", but those probably aren't historical correct either
  5. Jo, Your planking looks good! I would start the varnish from the water line up to the protruding (wale) plank. The waterline is the black line painted on the hull , see the box. I like your choice of colours
  6. I meant the bottom of the keel. Looks still "uncopperd".. I wouldn't mind thse temperatures in Cyprus, but those are a disaster here - high humidity
  7. Looks like you haven't finished quite ..., nevertheless it looks amazing, and so clean ...
  8. I was wondering how you managed to get the dials so realistic. Very nice decals. Are those includd in the kit or with the detail up set?
  9. Hello Ms Bleeding Kitty Cat, Wonderful job, especially for a first time. The tips of your fingers will get tougher, it all takes time, like the ease of work you will gain with every laid plank. Keep your spirits up Cheers
  10. Ed, It might be the pontos brass. I've got some from Eduard, which is still shiny and bright, whilst the pontos looks very poor (your used penny) both 2+ years old
  11. Maybe not a strategic threat, but it would have been something which would have to be taken into acount, very seriously. As Bismarck and Tirpitz did cost resources which could not have been deployed elsewhere, so would Graff Zeppelin, maybe even more since it would potentially bring airplanes in range of allied targets which hitherto were not
  12. Ah, well. you have to pick a choice on the anchor chain, would have been interesting to see the double capastan, as you stated, on the other hand, it looks to me that the breakwater has been moved forrard ... It seems I can also turn to you for travel information if I add to my travell list Europe isn't that boaring, but as you wrote about the States, you need to know what to go for and what not. Personally I tend to give travel agencies a very wide berth.
  13. Welcome back Dan. A pitty you didn't enjoy your trip to the fullest. Most river trips are done by geriatrics in Europe ... Ok, America scratched from my list ... that leaves Canada to be explored
  14. Depends on your steady hands ... Very fine view Steve. The railings look real spiffy very well done. Although, I am still looking for those touch ups ...
  15. Yes, you turned her into a real rust bucket. Missed a few spots though ...
  16. Yves, he puts it outside in the rain and the sun Oi, I have been a bit to lenient with you off late ...
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